Edward I. Steinhart

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Associate Professor


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas



Mailing Address

Department of History
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas 10409 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 806-744-2169 (home)
806-742-1004 ext 238 (office)
fax: 806-742-1060

Countries of Specialization

Kenya, Uganda

Research Interests

Current research is on the social history of hunting in colonial Kenya and
the history of the Bacwezi and early state formation in western Uganda.

Teaching Interests

Teaching intersts include the Middle East and South Africa as well as
African surveys and the social and political history of the continent.


Black Poachers and White Hunters: A Social History of Hunting in Colonial
Kenya. Under review by Heinemann Publishers, Social History of Africa Series.

The Myth of Conquering Herdsmen. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, in press. (A
collection of essays on Uganda state formation.)

The Kingdoms of Western Uganda. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 1999. (New
paper bound edition of Conflict and Collaboration.)

Editor. Ethnohistory and Africa. Special number of Ethnohistory 36, 1, 1989.

Conflict and Collaboration: The Kingdoms of Western Uganda, 1890-1907.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977.

Selected articles and book chapters:

"Sources of the Imperial Hunting Traditions of Kenya," In Dead or Alive!
Edited by M. Henninger-Voss and W. C. Jordan. Brepols in press.

"Elephant Hunting in 19th Century Kenya," International Journal of African
Historical Studies 33,2 (2001): 335-349.

"State, Society and Conflict in Lacustrine East Africa,? in The Dynamics
of the Early State Paradigm. M. van Bakel and J.G. Oosten, eds. (Utrecht,
ISOR, 1995): 21-31.

"National Parks and Anti-Poaching in Kenya, 1947-1957," International
Journal of African Historical Studies 27, 1 (1994): 59-76.

"The Question of the Bacwezi Revisited," Sozialanthropologische
Arbeits-papiere No.56. Institut fur Ethnologie, FU Berlin. 1994. 18pp.

"Hunters, Poachers and Gamekeepers: Towards a Social History of Hunting in
Colonial Kenya," Journal of African History 30(1989): 247-264.

"Introduction: Ethnohistory and Africa," Ethnohistory 36, 1(1989): 1-8.

"South African Labor and International Support," African Studies Review 31,
1 (1988): 17-33.

"The Destruction of the Nyoro State," in Early State Dynamics, H. Claessen
and P. van de Velde, eds. (Brill, 1987): 187-201.

"Food Production in Pre-Colonial Ankole," in Development and Decline, H.
Claessen P. van de Velde and M. E. Smith, eds, (Bergin and Garvey, 1985):

"The Emergence of Bunyoro," in State Formation in Eastern Africa, A. I.
Salim, ed., (Heinemann, 1984): 70-90.

"Herders and Farmers: The Tributary Mode of Production in Western Uganda,"
in Modes of Production in Africa, Sage Series in African Modernization and
Development, Vol. 5, D. Crummey and C.C. Stewart, eds., (Sage, 1981): 114-155.

"From 'Empire' to State: The Emergence of the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara:
c.1350-1890," in The Study of the State, H. Claessen and P. Skalnik, eds.,
(Mouton, 1981): 353-370.


Bacwezi ; Western Uganda ; ethnohistory ; Eastern Africa ; conflict ; poachers ; hunters.