Erin Stiles

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Post-Doctoral Research Fellow


Columbia University, New York, New York


Mailing Address

Institute of African Studies
Columbia University
1103 School of International & Public Affairs
420 West 118th Street
New York, New York 10027 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: (212) 854-0092
fax: (212) 854-4639

Countries of Specialization



Ph.D., 2002, Anthropology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.

M.A., 1996, Anthropology, University of Colorado at Boulder

Research Interests

Interests primarily in the field of cultural anthropology:
Zanzibar ; Islam ; Islamic law ; East Africa ; gender

Thesis: "A kadhi in his court: marriage, divorce and Zanzibar's Islamic
legal tradition."

Kiswahili (fluent); French (advanced); Arabic, modern standard (intermediate);
Hebrew, modern (rudimentary)

Teaching Interests

2001-02 Instructor: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. St. Louis
Community College at Florissant Valley, fall and spring semesters.

2001 Instructor: Cultural Anthropology. Southwest Illinois College, summer.

2000 Instructor: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Washington University,
University College, fall.

1998 Instructor: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. St. Louis Community
College at Florissant Valley, summer.


n.d. "Broken Edda and Marital Mistakes: Two Recent Disputes from an Islamic
Court in Zanzibar" Included in a volume under review by E.J. Brill, Leiden.

2002 "Buying a Divorce in Zanzibar" Newsletter of the Institute for the
Study of Islam in the Modern World 10: 33.

2002 Review of Prayer Has Spoiled Everything: Possession, Power and Identity
in an Islamic Town of Niger by Adeline Masquelier. American Anthropologist 104
(2): 688.

Conferences and unpublished papers:

Forthcoming 2003 "Islamic Legal Education in Zanzibar: Two Kadhis and their
Rulings Compared." Paper to be presented to International Institute for the
Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM), March, Leiden, Netherlands.

Forthcoming 2003 "Gender and Legal Knowledge: Divorce Debates in Zanzibar's
Islamic Courts." Paper to be presented at the American Anthropological
Association, November, New Orleans.

November 2002 "Gendered Ideals, Negotiated Realities: Mothers, Daughters, and
Wives Pushing Social Boundaries." Co-organizer, session organized with Dr.
Margaret Brown and Dr. Scott London, for presentation at American
Anthropological Association, New Orleans.

2001 "Kadhis, Shaykhs and Shehas: Islamic Legal Procedure in Post-Revolution
Zanzibar." Paper presented at American Anthropological Association, November,
Washington DC.

2001 "The Development of Marital Disputes in Zanzibar's Islamic Courts: Two
Recent Cases." Paper presented to ISIM at University of Leiden for workshop The
Application of Islamic Law in Courts, October, Leiden, Netherlands.

2001 "When is Divorce a Divorce? Establishing Intention." Paper presented to
the Law and Society Association, July, Budapest.

2001 "Muslim Women's Court Use in Zanzibar: The Benefits of an Ethnographic
Approach." Poster presented to Society for Applied Anthropology, March, Merida,


cultural anthropology ; Zanzibar ; Islam ; Islamic law ; East Africa ; gender ; divorce