Jean Michel Tchuenche

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

République-Unie de Tanzanie


University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Adresse électronique


Department of Mathematics
University of Dar es Salaam
P.O. Box 35062
Dar es Salaam


phone (mobile): +255 746 201 793


1996: BSc., University of Maiduguri (UniMaid), Maiduguri, Nigeria (Hons
Mathematics, FIRST CLASS)
1997: MSc., University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
2002: Ph.D., University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Thesis: "Mathematical
population dynamics of sickle-cell anaemia, a genetically transmitted


Mathematics in Medicine and the Life Sciences, Mathematical Modeling,
Linear and Non-Linear Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Evolution and Integral
equations, Semi-group of Linear Operators.


(2006) Asymptotic Stability of an Abstract Delay Funtional-Differential
Equation. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol. 11 (1), 1-15.

(2006) A Uniqueness Theorem in an Age-Physiology Dependent Population
Dynamics, Cubo, a Mathematical Journal, in press.

(2005) Realistic Patterns of Inheritance of Sickle-Cell Anaemia Gene: A
Theoretical Approach. J. Biol. Syst. Vol. 13 (1), 13-22.

(2005 ) The Effects of Selective Advantage of HbS over HbA in the
Transmission Dynamics of Sickle-Cell Anaemia, Adv. Compl. Syst. 8(1), 1-5.

(2005) An Age-Physiology Dependent Population Dynamics Model with
Polygamy. Folia Mathematica 12(2), in press.

(2005) The Effect of Migration on the Transmission Dynamics of Sickle-Cell
Anaemia, Mediterranean J. math. Vol. 2(3), 357-365.

(2005). A mathematical Model of the Spread of Airborne Diseases, West Afr.
J. Biophy. and Biomath. Vol. 1, 49-61.

(2005) With P. O.K. Aiyelo. Habitat Adaptation Index in a Retarded
Functional Equation of Population Dynamics, Int. J. Ecol. Economics & Stat.
Vol. 3, no. MA05, 63-74.

(2005) A Mathematical Analysis of Luboobi.s Weevil model. Int. J. Managt.
and Systems, Vol. 21(3), 277-283.

(2005) With K.S Nokoe. A Mathematical Model of the Spread and Control of
SARS. Int. J. Managt. and Systems, Vol. 21(3), 243-256.

(2005) With A.A. Chukwu. Solution of a Simple Advection-Diffusion
Population Model, Int. J. Ecol. Economics & Stat. Vol. 3, no. S05, 72-78.

(2005) An Age-Structured Model with Delay Mortality. BioSystems, Vol. 81(3),

(2005) Variational Formulation of a Population Dynamics Problem, Int. J.
Appl. Math. Stat. Vol. 3, no. D05, 57-63.

(2005) With Levins R. Stability in Variance: A New Criterion for
Stability. Far. East J. Dynamical Systems, in press

(2004) Functional-Differential Equation: A Population Model. Proc. Third
International Conference on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics,
1st -7, November 2003, Cotonou (Republic of Benin), J. Govaerts, M.N.
Hounkonnou and A.Z. Msezane (eds), World Scienctific, Singapore, 575-580.

(2004) Towards an Economic Evaluation of SARS, Int. J. Ecol. Economics & Stat.,
Vol. 2, no D04, 45-51.

(2003/2004) Discretization of a Simple Age-dependent Population Dynamics
Model. Rev. Mat. Ap. 24, 25-31.

2003) A Note on the Mackendrick Von Foerster Type Model in a Population
with a Genetic Structure. Int. J. Math. Educ.Sci.Technol. Vol. 34 (3), 463-470.

(2002) A Note on Some Iterative Methods in Banach Spaces in Proc. Of the
7th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, March 24-29, 2002,
Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA.

(2001) On the Equivalence of Doeblin Property, J. Nig. Math. Soc., vol 20, 103-106.

(2000) Does Hardy-Weinberg Law Prevail in all Populations? In Proceedings
of the Conference in ODE, National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, July 28-29, 81-83.

(2001) Derivation of the Continuity Equation in a Population with an Additional
Structure, to appear in Proc. of the National Mathematical Centre, Abuja Conference
in Continuum Mechanics, Aug 24-26.

(2000) "A Realistic Model of a Genetically Transmitted Disease: Sickle-Cell Anemia."
(Being a paper presented at the 19th annual conference of the Nigerian
Math. Soc. at the Univ. of Jos, May 31- June 3, 2000) Submitted to JMB.


applied mathematics ; medicine ; life sciences ; mathematical modeling ; dynamical systems ; ...