Loriliai Biernacki
Region of Interest | South Asia |
Primary Country of Residence | United States of America |
Title | Associate Professor |
Affiliation | University of Colorado |
Mailing Address | University of Colorado at Boulder
Phone/Fax Number(s) | phones: 303-735-4730
Countries of Specialization | India |
Research Interests | Loriliai Biernacki's research focuses on Tantra, gender studies and
Publications | Books:
"Wilhelm Halbfass: India and Philology": in Religious Studies Review,
"Possession, Absorption and the Transformation of Samvesa": in Wilhelm
"Shree Maa of Kamakkhya" in The Graceful Guru: Hindu Female Gurus in India
Keywords | Tantra ; gender ; critical theory ; Hinduism ; Buddhism ; religion ; ... |