Publications | "Expressions of traditional wisdom from Africa and beyond: an exploration
in intercultural epistemology" In: Classes des Sciences morales et
politiques, Mémoire in-8, Nouvelle Série, vol. 53, fasc. 4
Bruxelles: Academie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-mer, 2009.
"Rupture and fusion in the approach to myth: situating myth analysis
between philosophy, poetics and long-range historical reconstruction"
In: Religion Compass, vol. 3 no. 1, pp. 1-34, 2009.
"Expressions of traditional wisdom: what Africa can teach the world today"
In: Bulletin des Séances de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
d'Outre-Mer, pp. 281-305, 2009.
"The continuity of African and Eurasian mythologies: general theoretical
models, and detailed comparative discussion of the case of Nkoya mythology
from Zambia, South Central Africa" In: New perspectives on myth:
proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the International
Association for Comparative Mythology, Ravenstein (the Netherlands), 19-21
August, 2008, Papers in Intercultural Philosophy and Transcontinental
Comparative Studies, Haarlem, pp. 143-223, 2010.
"Preface" and "Introduction" (with E. Venbrux) In: New perspectives on
myth: proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the International
Association for Comparative Mythology, Ravenstein (the Netherlands), 19-21
August, 2008, Papers in Intercultural Philosophy and Transcontinental
Comparative Studies, Haarlem, pp. 17-21, 2010.
With C. Tagou
"Africa's splendid social technology of reconciliation, and the political
sociology of its under-utilisation at the national and international
level'" In: The Dynamics of conflict, peace and development in
African societies: from local to international, Yaoundé,
Presses des Universités Protestantes d'Afrique, pp. 63-120, 2010.
"'An incomprehensible miracle' - Central African clerical intellectualism
versus African historic religion: A close reading of Valentin Mudimbe's
Tales of Faith" In: Journal of African cultural studies, vol. 17, no. 1,
pp. 11-65, 2006.
With P. L. Geschiere
Commodification. Things, Agency, and Identities (The Social Life of
Things Revisted). Münster: Lit Verlag, 2005.
"Aspects of democracy and democratization in Zambia and Botswana"
In: T. Young (ed.) Readings in African Politics, London:
International Africa Institute in cooperation with Indiana University
Press and James Currey, pp. 202-214, 2004.
"Can ICT belong in Africa, or is it owned by the North Atlantic Region?"
In: W.M.J. van Binsbergen ; R.A. van Dijk ; J.B. Gewald (eds.)
Situating globality : African agency in the appropriation of global
culture, Leiden: Brill, pp. 107-146, 2004.
"Challenges for the sociology of religion in the African context:
prospects for the next 50 years" In: Social compass, vol. 51, no. 1,
pp. 85-98, 2004.
Tears of Rain. Ethnicity and History in Central Western Zambia.
London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1992, 2000.
Richard Fardon, Wim van Binsbergen and Rijk van Dijk (eds.)
Modernity on a Shoestring. Dimensions of Globalization, Consumption
and Development in Africa and Beyond. London / Leiden: EIDOS / ASC /
CAS, 1999.
"Mary's room: A case study on becoming a consumer in Francistown,
Botswana." In: R. Fardon et al. (eds.) Modernity on a Shoestring.
Dimensions of Globalization, Consumption and Development in Africa and
Beyond, pp 179-206, London / Leiden: EIDOS / ASC / CAS, 1999.