Ineke W. M. J. van Kessel

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence





Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands


Mailing Address

Afrika-Studiecentrum = African Studies Centre
Leiden University
P.O. Box 9555
2300 RB
The Netherlands

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: +31-71-5276605

Countries of Specialization

South Africa, Ghana

Research Interests

Main research interests: contemporary history of South Africa (incl.
social movements, youth, mass media, politics) The Gold Coast in the 19th
century, notably Dutch-African relations in that period.


With S.D.K. Ellis.
Movers and shakers : social movements in Africa. Leiden: Brill,
African dynamics ; vol. 8, 2009.

"South Africa," In: A. Mehler ; H. Melber ; K.van Walraven (eds.)
Africa yearbook: Politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in
2008, Leiden/ Boston: Brill, pp. 473-488, 2009.

"South Africa," In: A. Mehler, H. Melber & K. van Walraven, eds.,
Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in
2006, pp. 469-484.'

Zwarte Hollanders : Afrikaanse soldaten in Nederlands-Indië.
Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, 2005.

Edited with G.J. Abbink.
Vanguard or vandals : youth, politics and conflict in Africa.
Leiden ; Boston: Brill, African dynamics ; vol. 4, 2005.

"African mutinies in the Netherlands East Indies: a nineteenth-century
colonial paradox," in: J. Abbink, M. de Bruijn and K. van Walraven, eds.,
Rethinking Resistance: Revolt and Violence in African History.
African Dynamics vol 2, pp. 141-169. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2003.

Merchants, Missionaries & Migrants: 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian
Relations. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers ; Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2002.

"The Black Dutchmen: African soldiers in the Netherlands East Indies', in
I. van Kessel, ed., Merchants, Missionaries & Migrants, 2002,
pp. 133-142.

"The Impact of Democratic Transitions on the Representation of Women in
the National Parliaments of Southern Africa", in: Eddy Maloka, ed.,
A United States of Africa?. Pretoria: Africa Institute of South
Africa, 2001, pp. 116-132.

'Beyond our Wildest Dreams': the United Democratic Front and the
Transformation of South Africa. Charlottesville/London: University
Press of Virgina, 2000.

"Stability or Democracy: on the role of Monitors, Media and Miracles", in:
J. Abbink and G. Hesseling, eds., Election Observation and
Democratization in Africa. Basingstoke: MacMillan, 2000, pp. 50-75.

Edited with Nina Tellegen.
Afrikanen in Nederland. Amsterdam/Leiden: Koninklijk Instituut
voor de Tropen/Afrika-Studiecentrum, 2000.

"'Grassroots': from washing lines to Utopia", in: L. Switzer & M. Adhikari, eds.,
South Africa's Resistance Press: Alternative voices in the Last
Generation under Apartheid. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2000, pp.

With Barbara Oomen.
"'One Chief, One Vote': The Revival of Traditional Authorities in
Post-Apartheid South Africa." In: E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal and
R. van Dijk (eds.) African Chieftaincy in a New Socio-Political
Landscape, pp 155-179, Hamburg: Lit Verlag, 1999.

Aspects of the Apartheid State; a bibliographical survey.
Leiden: African Studies Centre, 1989, Research Report no 34.


contemporary history ; social movements ; youth ; mass media ; politics ; Dutch-African relations