Gretchen Bauer

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Professor and Chair


University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware

Adresse électronique


Department of Political Science
University of Delaware
347 Smith Hall
Newark, Delaware 19716 USA


phone: 302-831-2355
fax: 302-831-4452

Site de web

Pays de spécialisation

Namibia ; Botswana.


My research focuses on labor, politics, and women in Namibia and southern
Africa. I teach courses on: Third World/South Women in Politics; African
Politics; African Women in Politics; Southern African Politics.

During a January to August 2002 sabbatical leave, I was a Visiting
Researcher at the Institute for Public Policy Research in Windhoek,
Namibia. During a January to July 2009 sabbatical leave, I was a Visiting
Researcher in the the Department of Sociology at the University of
Botswana in Gaborone, Botswana. I am currently working on articles on
women in politics in Botswana and a co-edited volume with Manon Tremblay
on Women in Executives: A Global Overview.



Women in African Parliaments. With Hannah E. Britton, eds. Boulder: Lynne
Rienner Publishers, 2006, 237 pp.

Politics in Southern Africa: State and Society in Transition. With Scott
D. Taylor. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005, 404 pp.

Labor and Democracy in Namibia, 1971-1996. Athens: Ohio University Press,
Oxford: James Currey, and Cape Town: David Philip, 1998, 229 pp.

Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

"Namibia: A Success Story?" With Christiaan Keulder. In Necla Tschirgi,
Francesco Mancini and Michael Lund, eds. Security and Development:
Searching for Critical Connections. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers,
2009: 211-254.

"Taking the Fast Track to Parliament: Comparing Electoral Gender Quotas in
Eastern and Southern Africa." In Muna Ndulo and Margaret Grieco, eds.
Power, Gender and Social Change in Africa. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing, 2009: 8-25.

Revised version appears in: "50/50 by 2020: Electoral Gender Quotas for
Parliament in East and Southern Africa." International Feminist Journal of
Politics. 2008. 10(3): 348-368.

"Uganda: Reserved Seats for Women MPs: Affirmative Action for the National
Women's Movement or the National Resistance Movement?" In Manon Tremblay,
ed. Women and Legislative Representation: Electoral Systems, Political
Parties, and Sex Quotas. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008: 27-39.

"Nothing to Lose but Their Subordination to the State"? Trade Unions in
Namibia Fifteen Years after Independence." In Jon Kraus, ed. Trade
Unions and the Coming of Democracy in Africa. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2007: 229-254.

"Women in African Parliaments: A Continental Shift?. With Hannah E. Britton.
In Bauer and Britton, eds. Women in African Parliaments, 2006: 1-30.

"Namibia: Losing Ground Without Mandatory Quotas." In Bauer and Britton,
eds. Women in African Parliaments, 2006: 85-110.

"'The Hand that Stirs the Pot Can Also Run the Country': Electing Women to
Parliament in Namibia." Journal of Modern African Studies. 2004. 42(4):

"Namibia in the First Decade of Independence: How Democratic?" Journal of
Southern African Studies. 2001. 27(1): 33-55.


labor ; politics ; women.