Bharat Gupt

Domaine de recherche

Asie du Sud

Pays de résidence



Associate Professor


Delhi University

Adresse électronique


PO Box 8518, Ashok Vihar
Delhi 110 052 INDIA


phones: 91-98100-77914 (mobile)
91-11-2724-1490 (residence)
91-129-404-4590 (residence)

Site de web

Pays de spécialisation

India, Greece, USA


B.A Honours English, St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi, 1967
M. A. English, St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi, 1969
M.A. English . University of Toronto , 1971
Ph. D. English, M. S. University of Baroda, 1991
Doctoral Dissertation: "A Comparison of Greek and Indian Dramatic Theories
as Given in the Poetics and the Natyasastra"


Works in progress
1. Natyasastra, Chapter 17: A Critique of Theatrical Polyglossia
2. Natyasastra, Chapters 28-36 .Translated to Hindi
3. Dibbuk ki Prem Katha . Translated to Hindi from Anskey's Dibbuk
4. Reconstruction of Ancient Greek Plays by Modern Greeks.
5. Co-Ediior for Sanskrit-English-Greek Dictionary of Demtrios Galanos ,
the eighteenth century Greek Indologist.


1987- present, :Associate Professor (Reader) of English literature,
College of Vocational Studies , University of Delhi , New Delhi , India

1988- present : Visiting Professor , National School of Drama, New Delhi

1988- 1993 : Lecturer , University Grants Commission Refresher Courses for
English teachers , University of Poona

1973- 87 : Assistant Professor of English , College of Vocational Studies

1972- 73: Assistant Professor in English , Hindu College , University of

Lecture Tours Outside India
March - May 1994: Lectured on Greek and Indian dramaturgy, music and
aesthetics at Universities of Athens, Toronto, Berkeley , Hawaii and New York..

May-June , 1995: Lectured in Greece under the bilateral Cultural Exchange
Program between India and
Greece on Indian theatre and music at the following places :
1. Dept of Communications , Panteon University , Athens
2. Dept of Music , University of Athens
3. Hellenic - Indo Society, Athens
4. Dept of Classics , Ioannina University, Ioannina
5. American College of Greece , Athens
6. Creative Theatre Society , Ioannina
7. Institute for Asia Minor Studies , Plaka, Athens

Oct-95- Sept 96: Lectured as Onasis Fellow on theatre, music and
Indo-Hellenic interchanges in culture
at the following forums :
1. Dept of Communications , Panteon University, Athens
2. Dept of Anthropology , University of Agean, Mytiline, Lesbos
3. Various Cultural and Theatrical Forms in Greece.
4. Interview (1 hour) on Greek TV channel Seven-X .
5. International Conference on Musical Theatre at Volos
6. First International Medical Olympiad on Alternate Medicine 96.

Sept-Oct 97 Lectured on invitation at the following places.
1. Centre for Musical Theatre and Municipal Centre, Volos
2. Department of Theatre, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.
3. American College of Greece , Deree, Athens.

May -July 98 Lectured on invitation at the following places.
1. Aetopoulio Centre of Demos Halandri, Athens
2. Department of Anthropology, University of Athens,
3. International Conference on Ancient Greek Drama at Delphi
October 99 Lectured on invitation at the following places
1.Centre Madiram, Athens.
2.Department of Theatre, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki
3.University of Volos
4.Municipal Conservatory of Music and Dance, Volos
Sept - Nov 2001 Lectured on invitation at the following places
1.Department of Religion, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
2 Departments of Communicarion and English, Truman University, Missouri.
3.Students' Union, Oklahoma State University.
March 2002 Lectured on invitation at the following places
1.Toda Institute Conference, Magdalen College, Oxford.
2 Brent Library, Brent London.
3 Department of Political Science, SOAS, London University.
August - Sept 2002 Lectured on invitation at the following places
1.Centre for Ancient Drama Conference, Nafplion
2. Department of Music, University of Athens,
June - July 2003 Lectured on invitation at the following places
1. Graduate Level Summer Course, Department of Theatre.
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
2. Toda Institute Conference, Simon Frazer University, Vancouver
Sept - Oct 2003 Lectured on invitation at the following places
1 Italian National School for Ancient Drama , Syracusa
2.Mediterranean Centre, Syracusa.
June- July 2004 Lectured on Invitation at the following places.
1 University of Siena , Department of Classical Studties. 2. Shantom
Centre for Dance and Arts, Athens
Major Public Lectures in India
Lectures on Musicolgical and Dramatic Themes 1988,89,91.
Various Colleges of Delhi University.
1. "Ancient Greek and Indian Theatre: Why a Comparison?" 25.2.97
2."The Indian Diaspora: The Global Bharatvamshis , 2001

3. " Greek Theatre Today (illiustrated by 125 slides)" 29.10.98
4. " Natyasastra: its Present Value" 30.10.98
5. " Music and Theatre" 31.10.98
6. " Undertanding Rasa" 1.11.98

The Well Made Play: Theory and Practice Six Sessions
7. " The Play of the Day" 2.4.99
8. " Traditions of the Past : Greek Model" 3.4.99.
9. " Traditions of the Past : Indian Model" 4.4.99
10. " Traditions of the Past : European Realism" 9.4.99
11." Traditions of the Present : Reform and Absurdity" 10.4.99
12 " Opening to the Future : Fiction and Dream " 11.4.99
13. "Religion and Educational Responsibilties of the State" 23.5.04
14. "India in Cultural Decline or Revival" 24.5.04


Dramatic Concepts: Greek and Indian. Delhi: D. K. Printworld, 1994.
Natyasastra, Chapter 28: Ancient Scales of Indian Music. Delhi :
Brahaspati Publications , 1996.
Natya Siddhanta: Greek Evam Bharatiya (in Hindi)..
India A Cultural Decline or Revival ?
"The Technique of Allusion in the Poetry of T. S. Eliot." In Student's
Handbook in American Literature. Ed. C. D. Narsimhaiah. Ludhiana Kalyani,
1972. 188-97.

"Laxmi Narain Lal ka Abdulla Dewaana (in Hindi)." In Natak Aur Rang Manch.
Ed. I. Madan. Delhi: Lipi Prakashan, 1975. 95-100.

"Ravishena krita Padma Purana main Sangit Carca (in Hindi)." In Sangeet ,
Hatharasa karyalaya. May 1981. 15-16.

"Sangit ko Acharya Brihaspati ki den (in Hindi)." In Sangeet. 6 articles.
July-December, 1981.

"Origin of Dhruvapada." In Sangeet Nataka, Journal of Sangeet Natak
Academy. New Delhi.

"Music in the Natyasastra." In Journal of the Music Academy, Madras. 56
(1985), 165-75; 57 (1986), 172-81; 58 (1987), 91-109; 59 (1988) 57-82; 60

"Valmiki's Ramayana and the Natyasastra." In Sangeet Natak. 81-82
(July-Dec. 1986) 63-76.

"The Date of Natyasastra." In Journal of the Oriental Institute of Baroda
36. 1-4 (Sept. 86-June 87) 69-86.

"Use of the Dhruva Songs in Ancient Indian Theatre." In Journal of the
Oriental Institute of Baroda 37 (March-June 1988) 305-20.

"Classifications on Lokadharmi and Natyadharmi." In Sangeet Natak 95.
(Jan.-March 1990) 35-44.

"Peace as Theatrical Experience." In Manascarya , Journal of Cultural
Sudies, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong , VOL. II, No. 2&3, 1996 ,
pp 64-9

"What is Ethnic." In The Eastern Anthropologist , 50: 2 . 1997 , pp 139-
"Music and Representation of Myth in Theatre", IX International Meeting on
Ancient Greek Drama on History and Myths, Symposium Proceedings, European
Cultural Center of Delphi. July1998., pp 43-47
News Paper Articles
"Syngeneies sto theatro : Sykriseis, parallelies kai koina stoicheia stis
"Affinity Between Theatres :Comparisons, Parallels, and Common Elements
between the Two Performing Tradition." KATHEMERINI , Weekly Supplement ,
Sunday, December 29,1996. (in Greek).

"A Requim for Toilers in Foreign Lands." Times of India , Edit page,

"West Versus the Rest is the New Cold War Rhetoric." Times of India , Edit
page, 23-4-97

"Reinstate Art in Modern Education." Times of India , Edit page, 20-6-97

"Of High Flying Swamis and Sensual Sanyasis" Times of India , Edit page,

" When Amphiteatres come to Life , Ancient Greek Theatre in Modern Times"
Pioneer, Delhi, Art Page, 26-6-97

"Committee Sans Commitment" Pioneer, (Second Opinion), 11-7-97

"Real Estates False Premises" Pioneer, (Second Opinion), 31-7-97

"Castigate Divide not Jain Report" Pioneer, (Second Opinion), 10-12-97

"The Great White Hope" Pioneer , (Second Opinion) , 20/1/98

"Greece and India : Evolving Ties" Pioneer , World Report, page 8 ,

"This is not the Secularism We had Opted For" Pioneer , (Second Opinion) ,

"Their Only Clue is Licence Plate" Pioneer , (Second Opinion) , 13/4/98

"Age -Related Problem " Pioneer , (Second Opinion) , 26/5/98

"The Frigid Face of a Language" , Pioneer (Second Opinion), 8/6/98

"Shadow Boxing on Ayodhya" , Pioneer (Second Opinion), 19/6/98

"Politics of Compensation , Mandal, Mandir and Women's Bill" Indian
Express, Edit Page, 2-7-97.

"Bring Back the Teacher, Freeing Higher Education." Indian Express, Edit
Page, 6-8-97.

"Institutionalised Medievalism , The Entrechment of Caste " Indian
Express, Edit Page, 9-9-97.

"A National Crisis of Faith , After Five Decades of Regression." Indian
Express, Edit Page, 18-12-97.

"Oh for a Whiff of Fresh Air, National Suffocation and Senilty" Indian
Express, Edit Page, 13-1-98.

"Lame Duck Legislators : Dangers of Vote Bank Politics" Indian Express,
Edit Page, 9-2-98.

"Dangers of Tokenism : A Bellicose Return" Indian Express, Edit Page,

"Whose Afraid of Sanskrit : Living Outside Heritage " Indian Express, Edit
Page , 20.11.98

"Interfaith Tolerance is not the only Issue : The Pluralism of
Dilettantes" Indian Express, Edit Page 9.2.99

"Ethnicity , a Ply to Create Puppet Nations" ASIAN AGE , 18.5.99

"Sonia Gandhi : Return of the Native " ASIAN AGE, 3.6.99

Frequent contributor to Journal of Sangeet Natak Academy , Journal of
Music Academy Madras, Indian Musicological Society , Bombay and sites on
the Internet.


Greek ; Indian ; Natyasastra ; Natya Siddhanta ; Dhruvapada ; music ; myth ; theater ; education.