Machiko Higuchi

Domaine de recherche

Asie du Sud

Pays de résidence

Le Japon




University of Shizuoka

Adresse électronique


University of Shizuoka
52-1 Yada Shizuokashi
422-8526 JAPAN


phone: 81/54-264-5471
fax: 81/54-264-5471

Site de web ;

Pays de spécialisation

Sri Lanka


Economics, Hosei University , Tokyo (1981)
MPHM Mahidol University, Thailand (1993)
Ph.D. University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (1998)


Medical anthropology; international community health and nursing;
women's health in Sri Lanka; traditional health practices in Sri Lanka;
nursing education in Sri Lanka


The other islands, Sri Lanka, 2006

"Traditional Health behavior of foreigners living in Japan: Medical
Anthropological study of different ethnic group," Journal of
International Health, V0L.21, No.1, 33-41, 2006

"A study of Young Women in a Sri Lanka Certified School: A Primary Health
Care Perspective on their Rehabilitation," Journal of Asian Women's
Studies, Vol.11, 42-56, 2003

"Traditional Health Behavior in Sri Lanka: A comparative study in three
different characteristic areas," Japan Academy for Health Behavioral
Science, pp73-75, 2002

"Role of Primary Health Care System for Current Health Issues in Sri
Lanka," The Journal of Japan Association for International Health, p 56-62
Vol, 16.No.12, 2002

Traditional Health Practices in Sri Lanka, VU University Press Amsterdam,

"Relative use of modern medicine and traditional medicine by Sri Lankans,"
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Sciences, 2000

"Effective international support for nursing education in Sri Lanka,"
Nursing and Quality of Life, 273-275, 2000

"Community Perception in Sri Lanka - Factors that influence a choice
between Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine," Thesis for Doctor of
Philosophy, 1998

"Integration between Modern Medicine and Traditional Medicine,"
Ayurveda Samikhsaya, 210-213, 1996


medical anthropology ; community health ; nursing ; women's health ; traditional health.