Hans Henrich Hock

Region of Interest

South Asia

Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Professor of Linguistics and Sanskrit


University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois



Mailing Address

Dept. of Linguistics
4088 Foreign Languages Building
University of Illinois
707 S. Mathews
Urbana, IL 61801 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phones: 217-333-0357 (office)
217-333-3563 (messages)
217-352-5423 (residence)
FAX: 217-333-3466

Countries of Specialization

India, Iran

Research Interests

Sanskrit linguistics, including phonology, syntax, sociolinguistics, both
historical - diachronic - and synchronic. Emphasis on Vedic and on modern
spoken Sanskrit - language death. Historical Indo-Aryan linguistics.
Indo-Iranian and comparative Indo-European backgrounds of Sanskrit. South
Asian convergence - South Asia as a Linguistic Area - substratum effects:
Interactions - possible, probable, or doubtful (depending on the
chronological stage) between Sanskrit or Indo-Aryan and Dravidian, Munda,
and other languages of South Asia.


None on file.


Sanskrit linguistic ; Indo-Aryan linguistics ; Indo-Iranian ; comparative Indo-European ; South Asia