Publications | BOOKS:
World Religions Today [co-authored with John Esposito and Darrell Fasching]. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2002. ["Buddhism," "Hinduism," & "East Asian
Popular Buddhist Texts from Nepal: Narratives and Rituals of Newar Buddhism.
Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000.
The Himalayas: A Syllabus of the RegionÕs History, Anthropology and Religion. [with
Theodore Riccardi, Jr.] Ann Arbor: Association for Asian Studies Monograph
Series, 1995.
The Tuladhars of Kathmandu: A Study of Buddhist Tradition in a Newar Merchant
Community. Columbia University: Ph.D. Dissertation, 1984.
"Representations of Buddhism in Undergraduate Teaching: The Centrality of Ritual and
Story Narratives," in Victor Hori, Richard P. Hayes, eds. Teaching Buddhism in
the West: From the Wheel to the Web. Surrey, U.K.: Curzon, 2002.
"Ancient India: Belief and Society" (12-21), "A New Community" (46-55), "The Human
Condition" (58-63), "The Four Noble Truths" (64-71), "The Path of the Buddha"
(72-79), "Tantra" (162-173) in Kevin Trainor, ed. Buddhism: An Illustrated
Guide. London: Duncan-Baird Publications and Oxford University Press, 2001.
"Growing Up Newar Buddhist: Chittadhar Hridaya's Jhi Maca and Its Context," in Al
Pach and Debra Skinner eds. Selves in Time and Place: Identities, Experience,
and History in Nepal. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield Press, 1998, 301-318.
"The Anthropological Study of Buddhist Communities: Historical Precedents and
Ethnographic Paradigms," in Steven Glazier ed. Shamanism, Altered States,
Healing: Essays in the Anthropology of Religion. Westport: Greenwood Press,
1997, 319-367.
"Buddhist Merchants in Kathmandu: The Asan Tol Market and Uray Social
Organization," in David Gellner and Declan Quigley eds. Contested Hierarchies:
A Collaborative Ethnography of Caste among the Newars of the Kathmandu
Valley, Nepal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, 38-79.
"The Power of Mantra: a Story of the Five Protectors," Chapter 11 of Donald S. Lopez
ed. Religions of India in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995,
"The Story of the Horn-Blowing" and "The Tale of Simhala the Caravan Leader," for
Donald S. Lopez, ed. Buddhism in Practice. Princeton University Press, 1995,
151-169 and 328-335.
"The Use of Visual Media in the Study of Religious Belief and Practice" [with Christine
Greenway] in Steven Glazier ed. Anthropology and Religion: Theoretical,
Methodological, and Confessional Essays. Stephen D. Glazier and Charles A.
Flowerday, editors. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Forthcoming in 2002.
"Buddhism: The Politics Of Compassionate Rule" in Jacob Neusner, ed. God's Rule: The
Politics of World Religions. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press,
Forthcoming in 2002.
"Sukhavati Traditions in Newar Buddhism," South Asia Research 16 (1), 1996, 1-30.
"Patterns of Religious Belief in a Buddhist Merchant Community, Nepal," Asian
Folklore Studies 55 (2), 1996, 237-270.
"Notes on the Uray and the Modernization of Newar Buddhism," Contributions to
Nepalese Studies 23 (1), 1996, 109-117.
"A Chronology of Newar-Tibetan Relations in the Kathmandu Valley," in Siegfried
Lienhard ed. Change and Continuity: Studies in the Nepalese Culture of the
Kathmandu Valley. (Torino: Edizioni Dell'orso, 1996), 149-166.
"Nepala Mahayana Bauddha Dharmaya Punarutthana Nimti Chamha Shiksharthirya
Bicar," (In Newari: "On the Revival of Newar Mahayana Buddhism: One
Scholar's Reflections"), Nhasala 25, 1995, 57-76.
"The Nepal Jana Jivan Kriya Paddhati, a Modern Newar Guide for Vajrayana Life-
Cycle Rites," Indo-Iranian Journal 37, 1994, 1-46.
"Contributions to the History of Buddhist Ritualism: A Mahayana Avadana on Stupa
Veneration from the Kathmandu Valley," Journal of Asian History 28 (1), 1994, 1-38.
"The Himalayan Frontier in Comparative Perspective: Considerations Regarding
Buddhism and Hinduism in Diaspora," Himalayan Research Bulletin XIV, 1994 (1-
2), 25-46.
"Newar Buddhist Samyak Festival: a Photo Essay," Religious Studies News, May 1994.
"Newar-Tibetan Trade and the Domestication of the Simhalasarthabahu Avadana,"
History of Religions 33 (2), 1993, 135-160.
"Contributions to the Study of Popular Buddhism: The Newar Buddhist Festival of Gumla
Dharma," Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 16, 1993, 7-52.
"Himalayan Frontier Trade: Newar Diaspora Merchants and Buddhism," in Martin Brauen
ed. Anthropology of Tibet and the Himalayas (Zurich: Volkerkundemuseum,
1993), 165-178.
"Newars and Tibetans in the Kathmandu Valley: Ethnic Boundaries and Religious
History" Journal of Asian and African Studies 38, 1989, 31-57.
"Mahayana Vratas in Newar Buddhism," The Journal of the International Association
of Buddhist Studies 12 (1), 1989, 109-138.
"Childhood and Newar Tradition: Chittadhar Hridaya's Jhi Maca," Asian Folklore
Studies XLVIII (2), 1989, 195-210.
"Newars and Tibetans in the Kathmandu Valley: Three New Translations from Tibetan
Sources," [with Lozang Jamspal], Journal of Asian and African Studies 36, 1988,
"Contributions to the History of Nepal: Eastern Newar Diaspora Settlements," [with
D.R. Shakya], Contributions to Nepalese Studies 15 (1), 1988, 25-65.
"Sarvajanik Svasthya, Tvah.bahah va Bauddha Niti" (In Newari: "Public Health,
Community, Buddhist Ethics,") Nhasala, 1987, 15-19.
"Nepal" Amnesty International Voice 5 (1), 1986, 15-16.
"The Anthropology of Development in Nepal," Contributions to Nepalese Studies 13 (2),
1986, 167-180. [Excerpted in Himal, 1987]
"Hyu Pah.ya Jah./ Nevah. Samskritiya Sah" (In Newari: "Finding the Past in Newar
Tradition") Nhasala, 1981, 30-33.
"Nevah. Bauddha va Hindu Saha Astitvay Chapulu" (In Newari: "On Hindu-Buddhist
Relations"), Nhasala, 1980, 74-76.
Educational Productions:
"Celestial Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara: Karunamaya in Newar Buddhism," (1996: 10 minutes)
"Buddhist Rituals and Burmese Stupas" (1995: 12 minutes)
"Daruma-san: Annual Rituals of Amulet Renewal" (1994: 14 minutes)
"Images from a Daruma-san Exhibition" (1994: 10 minutes)
Research Productions:
"The Samyaka Festival of 1980" (1992: 32 minutes)
"The Samyaka Festival of 1993" (1994: 34 minutes) |