William Pinch

Domaine de recherche

Asie du Sud

Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Associate Professor of History


Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT

Adresse électronique



Department of History
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT 06459-0002


phone: 860-685-2399
fax: 860-685-2781

Pays de spécialisation



Frosh seminars:

HIST 105 Slaves, Souls, and Spices (companion course to HIST 221, European
HIST 109 Colonial India in Fiction and Film

Introductory surveys:

HIST 257 India and Indology
HIST 258 Imperial India (covers late antique and medieval/Mughal, ca. 600
to 1750)
HIST 259 Indian Nation (covers British colonial and nationalist era, ca.
1750 to 1950)

Sophomore seminars:

HIST 181 Gandhi (introduces prospective majors to research methods in

Advanced seminars:

HIST 323 Religion and History (required for majors in the Religion and
History concentration)
HIST 324 Social Change in India
HIST 327 War and Society in India
HIST 329 The Indo-Muslim World
HIST 362 Issues in Contemporary Historiography (required of all majors)


"Same Difference in India and Europe." A review essay on Bernard S. Cohn,
Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge: The British in India (Princeton,
1996) and Christopher A. Bayly, Empire and Information:
Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 1780-1870
(Cambridge, UK, 1996), History and Theory 38, 3 (October 1999), 389-407

"History, Devotion, and The Search for Nabhadas of Galta," in Daud Ali
(ed.), Invoking the Past: The Uses of History in South Asia (Delhi:
Oxford University Press, 1999), 367-399

"Who was Himmat Bahadur Anupgiri Gosain? Ascetics, Rajputs, and the
British in Bundelkhand, ca. 1800,"
Indian Economic and Social History Review, 35, 3 (November 1998): 293-335

"Historicity, Hagiography, and Hierarchy in Gangetic India, 1918-1936," in
William Radice (ed.), Swami Vivekananda and the Modernisation of Hinduism
(Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1998), 244-263

Peasants and Monks in British India (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1996), xii, 242 pp.; reissued in the Oxford India Paperbacks series
(Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999)

"Reinventing Ramanand: Caste and History in Gangetic India,"
Modern Asian Studies 30, 3 (1996): 549-572. Reissued with slight changes
as "Remembering Ramanand: Caste and History in Gangetic India,"
Journal of Vaisnava Studies 8, 1 (Fall 1999): 35-57.

"Soldier Monks and Militant Sadhus," in David Ludden (ed.), Contesting the
Nation: Religion, Community, and the Politics of Democracy in India
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1996), 140-162. Also published
by Oxford University Press, Delhi, as Making India Hindu: Community,
Conflict, and the Politics of Democracy


nationalism ; slavery ; Indology ; religion ; history ; ...