Swarna Rajagopalan
Region of Interest | South Asia |
Primary Country of Residence | United States of America |
Title | Visiting Assistant Professor |
Affiliation | Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Mailing Address | Department of Political Science
Phone/Fax Number(s) | phone: 217-333-4375
Websites | |
Countries of Specialization | India |
Research Interests | My research interests, broadly speaking, span identity politics, security
Publications | State and Nation in South Asia, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder (July
Re-Distribution of Authority: A Cross-Regional Perspective, co-edited
Re-building Afghanistan: Lessons from South Asia (Comment), Seminar,
Secularism in India, in William Safran, ed., The Democratic Republic and
Demarcating Units, Re-distributing Authority: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka,
Internal Unit Demarcation and National Identity, Nationalism and Ethnic
National Integration in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan: Constitutional and
A Traveler's Collection of Tales, Nethra, International Centre for Ethnic
Other keywords:
Keywords | identity politics ; security ; governance ; centralization ; decentralizatioin ; gender ; ... |