Vivian S. Rambihar

Region of Interest

South Asia

Primary Country of Residence



MD, Consultant Cardiologist


The Scarborough Hospital, Toronto


Mailing Address

The Scarborough Hospital
Toronto, CANADA
3000 Lawrence E
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2L 2A8

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 416-438-2100
fax: 416-438-2106

Research Interests

Preventing premature heart disease in the South Asian community.

Author of a book "South Asian Heart: preventing heart disease" (1995).
Lectures and community involvement in Preventing Heart Disease, with
emphasis on premature CAD and CAD in South Asians. Convenor of the First
conference in North America on this subject at York University in
Toronto in 1990 and the first South Asian Heart Health Fair. Created the
field of Ethnicity and Heart Disease in Canada with lectures, writing
and conferences. Also a pioneer in the field of chaos and complexity
theory in medicine, and as a model for understanding multiculturalism
and also CAD in South Asians. Author of two books on Chaos and
complexity theory in medicine.


1) VS Rambihar, DG Jagdeo. Ethnocultural heart: Another challenge for an
emerging diversity. Commentary: Can J Cardiology 1995; 11:441-2.

2) VS Rambihar. Jurassic Heart; From the heart to the edge of
chaos.Commentary: Can J Cardiology 1993; 9:787-8.

3) VS Rambihar. CAd and South Asians. Letter. Can j Cardiol 1996; 12:

4) VS Rambihar. Science, Evidence and the use of the word scientific.
Letter. Lancet 2000; 355: 1730.

5) VS Rambihar. South Asian Heart: Preventing Heart DIsease. 1995.
Vashna Toronto. (book).

6) VS Rambihar. Chaos 200: Making a new medidine. 1996 and 2000. Vashna
Toronto (book).

7) VS Rambihar. A new chaos based medicine beyond 2000: the response to
evidence. Vashna Toronto 1999. (book).


public health ; heart disease ; ethnic studies ; chaos theory ; complexity ; multiculturalism ; ...