Ganga Samarasekara

Region of Interest

South Asia

Primary Country of Residence

Sri Lanka


Senior Lecturer


University of Ruhuna


Mailing Address

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Univeristy of Ruhuna

Mailing address:
179/1, Keels Homes
Weliwita Road, Malabe, SRI LANKA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: +94/91-2245765
fax: +94/91-2245762

Countries of Specialization

Sri Lanka

Research Interests

Reasearch interests:
Walkability Evaluation in Streetscapes
Spatial Cognition in Development Perspective
Perception & Behaviour in Urban Landscapes
Scenic Route Development & Landscape Evaluation

Interested in urban studies about landscape,
built environment pedestrian spaces, emphasizing on human perspective


Samarasekara, G.N., Fukahori, K. & Kubota, Y. (2007) Distance cognition
affected by urban vegetation: Investigation at perspective and route
knowledge level, Journal of Architecture of Environment and
Infrastructure, 2, 53-64.

Samarasekara, G.N., Fukahori, K. & Kubota, Y., (2009) Effect of street
trees on spatial cognition in residential areas: An investigation based on
development perspective Journal of Architecture of Environment and
Infrastructure, 2, 75-86.

Samarasekara, G.N., Fukahori, K. & Kubota, Y., Environmental correlates
that provide cues for tourists: An analysis based on Walking decision
narrations - Accepted for publication in Environment & Behavior.


streetscapes ; spatial cognition ; urban landscapes ; urban studies ; ...