Morten Boas

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

La Norvège


Research Fellow


University of Oslo, Norway

Adresse électronique


Centre for Development and the Environment
University of Oslo
PO Box 1116


phone: +47 22 858909
fax: +47 22 858920

Pays de spécialisation

Liberia ; Sierra Leone.


Research interests:

Environmental politics in Africa (The African Development Bank)
Regionalisation in Africa (Southern Africa)
State-society relations
Liberia and Sierra Leone


Co-ordinates the StatSamf-network - A Nordic research network for the
study of state-society relations in non-western societies, and moderates
NEWSS-net - the electronic discussion list of the StatSamf-network


Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States. En
analyse av subregional integrasjon. Centre for Development and the
Environment/Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. 1994.
"Cand.polit" thesis, 140 pages.

Comparing Multilateral Organisations: The case of PTA and SADC. Working
Paper 1995.1. Centre for Development and the Environment. University of
Oslo. 28 pages.

"Book Review: John Degnbol Martinussen - Samfunn, stat og marked". In
Samfunnsviteren. No. 1. 1995.

PTA, SADC and GATT: Past, Present and Future Paths of Influence. Centre
for Development and the Environment. University of Oslo. 1995. 119 pages.

Morten Boas & Audun Ruud: "Chronicle: En ny Nord-Sxr agenda". In
Arbeiderbladet. 21.08.95.

Institutional Bargaining and the African Development Bank. Environmental
Policies and Conditionality. Co-operation or Discord? Some Working
Hypotheses. Development and Multilateral Institutions Programme Working
Paper no. 2, September 1995. The Fridtjof Nansen Institute. Oslo. 1995. 29

Bertil Oden, Morten Bxes & Fredrik Svderbaum: Regionalism in Southern
Africa: South Africa, the Benign Hegemon. The Nordic Africa Institute.
Uppsala. 1995. 31 pages.

"Chronicle: Liberia - Anarki og vanvidd eller kanskje maktens
grunnleggende rollespill?" In Grenselxst - Arbeiderbladet. 22.05.96.

"Environmental Policies in Multilateral Development Banks: the case of the
African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank." In Stein Hansen,
Jan Hesselberg & Helge Hveem: International Trade National Development
Strategies and the Environment. Towards a Sustainable Future? SUM. Oslo.
1996. Page 195-226.

"Liberia the Hellbound Heart? Regime Breakdown and the Deconstruction of
Society." In Mette Halskov Hansen & Arild Engelsen Ruud: Weak? Strong?
Civil? Embedded? New Perspectives on State-Society Relations in
Non-Western Societies. SUM. Oslo. 1996. Page 53-81.

"The Asian Development Bank and Development in Asia. A rejoinder to Thommy
Svenson." In NIASnytt - Nordic Newsletter of Asian Studies. No. 4,
December 1996. Page 16-19.

"Liberia." In Hele Norges Leksikon. Hjemmets Bokforlag/LibriArte. Oslo.

"Sorost Asias xkonomiske mirakel." In SAIH Perspektiv 97. No. 1, January

"Chronicle: Sierra Leone, Kuppet - siste spiker i kista?" In Dagbladet.

"Happy Birthday? Some reflections on the 30th Annual Meeting, 11-13 May
1997, and the political development agenda of the Asian Development Bank."
In NIASnytt - Nordic Newsletter of Asian Studies. No. 2, June 1997. Page

"Liberia the Hellbound Heart? Regime Breakdown and the Deconstruction of
Society." In Alternatives. Vol. 22, no. 3, 1997. Page 353-380. [Strongly
revised version of the article that appeared in Halskov & Ruud (eds.)

Desmond McNeill, Morten Boas & Audun Ruud "Chronicle: Oljefondet, etikk og
politisk unnfallenhet." In Aftenposten. 06.01.98.

"Book review: A History of International Relations Theory (Torbjorn
Knutsen, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997, 2nd revised and
expanded edition) - En av historiene om historien om teorier om
internasjonale relasjoner." In Internasjonal Politikk, vol. 56, no. 1,
1998. Page 156-159.

Morten Boas and Audun Ruud "Handel og Miljx." In Tor A. Benjaminsen and
Hanne Svarstad (eds.) Samfunnsperspektiver pe Miljx og Utvikling. Oslo:
Tano Aschehoug. 1998. Page 140-163.

Morten Boas and Audun Ruud "Internasjonal handel og miljx. Et vern av
handel eller friere miljxvern." In Internasjonal Politiikk, vol. 56, no.2,
1998. Page 223-239.

"Governance as Multilateral Development Bank Policy: The Case of the
African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank." The European
Journal of Development Research, vol. 10, no. 2, 1998. Page 117-134.

Helge Hveem & Morten Boas: "The trade-Environment Debate:
Pre-negotiations, Negotiated Agreement and Implementation." In Ole
Kristian Fauchald & Mads Greaker [eds.] Environmental Assessment of Trade
Agreements and Policy. Copenhagen: TemaNord - Nordic Council of
Ministers. Page 21-34.


environmental policy ; regionalization ; state-society relations.