Henry Schwarz

Domaine de recherche

Asie du Sud

Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Associate Professor and Director, Program on Justice and Peace


Georgetown University

Adresse électronique



Department of English, Box 1131
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057 USA


phone: 202-687-7647
fax: 202-687-5445

Site de web


Pays de spécialisation



Nineteenth and Twentieth Century South Asian Cultural Studies, Bengal,
literature, historiography, Criminal Tribes, Film.



Writing Cultural History in Colonial and Postcolonial India (Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997), 199 pp.

A Companion to Postcolonial Studies, eds. Henry Schwarz and Sangeeta Ray
(Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell Publications, 2000; rpt. 2004), 578 pp.

Contributions to Bengal Studies: An Interdisciplinary and International
Approach, eds. Enayetur Rahim and Henry Schwarz (Dhaka: Pustaka, 1998),
592 pp.

Reading the Shape of the World: Toward an International Cultural Studies,
eds. Henry Schwarz and Richard Dienst (Boulder: Westview Press, 1996), 341


"Mahasweta Devi: Witness, Advocate, Writer." 30 minute video documentary
detailing the life and writings of Indian writer and activist Mahasweta
Devi. Directed by Shashwati Talukdar, Produced by Nandini Sikand,
Executive Producer Henry Schwarz.


"From Text to Work: Postcolonial Textuality," in Reimagining Textuality,
ed. Beth Loizeaux and Neil Fraistat (Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press,
2002), 211-224.

"Postcolonial Performance: Texts and Contexts of Mahasweta Devi," SHARP:
Sussex History of Art Research Publication, 2.0 (April 2002), 20 pp.


"The Bhasha Research and Publication Center," Cultural Survival Quarterly,
Fall 2001, 53-54.

"Reimagining the Homeland in South Asian America," in In Diaspora:
Theories, Histories, Texts, ed. Makarand Paranjape (New Delhi: Indialog
Publications, 2001) 171-178.

"Aesthetic Imperialism: Literature and the Conquest of India," Modern
Language Quarterly 61, 4 (December 2000), 563-586.

"The Denotified and Nomadic Tribal Rights Action Group," and "Will India
Be Moved?" Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies 6, 2 (Fall
1999), 126-138.

"The Turning Point of Crime: Tribal Identity and Postcolonial
Subversions," Contributions to Bengal Studies, 463-472.

"Laissez-faire Linguistics: Grammar and the Codes of Empire," Critical
Inquiry 23 (Spring 1997), 509-535.

"Sexing the Pundits: Gender, Romance and Realism in the Cultural Politics
of Colonial Bengal," Reading the Shape of the World, 224-258.


Cultural Studies ; Bengal ; literature ; historiography ; criminal tribes ; film ; ...