Nandini Sundar

Domaine de recherche

Asie du Sud

Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique




Delhi University

Adresse électronique


Department of Sociology
Delhi School of Economics
Delhi University, Delhi 110007 INDIA


Residential mailing address:
A-9 1st floor
Nizamuddin East
New Delhi 110013 INDIA

Pays de spécialisation



Sundar is currently engaged in research on the history and anthropology of
citizenship and war in South Asia, as well as disciplinary histories in
sociology and anthropology. She also continues with her interests in
political economy and development, environment and indigenous people and
the sociology of law.



Subalterns and Sovereigns: An Anthropological History of Bastar,
1854-1996, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1997.

Branching Out: Joint Forest Management in Four Indian States (with
Roger Jeffery and Neil Thin), Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2001.

A New Moral Economy for India's Forests: Discourses of Community and
Participation. (edited with Roger Jeffery), New Delhi, Sage Publications,

Journal Articles

"Toward an Anthropology of Culpability." In American Ethnologist, 31 (2),
2004, 145-163.

"Teaching to hate: The RSS's Pedagogical Program." In Economic and
Political Weekly 39 (16), 2004, 1605-1612 (Also in Tom Ewing ed.
Revolution and Pedagogy, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2005, 195-218).

"Indigenise, Nationalise and Spiritualise: An Agenda for Education?" In
International Social Science Journal, 173, September 2002, 373-383.

"Debating Dussehra and Reinterpreting Rebellion in Bastar District,
Central India." In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society, 7 (1),
2001, 19-35.

"Divining Evil: The State and Witchcraft in Bastar". In Journal of
Gender, Technology and Development, 5 (3), 2001, 425-448.

"Is Devolution Democratisation". In World Development, 29 (12), 2001,

"Religion and Culture in Bastar: the Politics of Conversion". In Eastern
Anthropologist, 54 (3-4), 2001, 255-272.

"Unpacking the `Joint' in Joint Forest Management." In Development and
Change, 31, 2000, 255-279.

"Caste as Census Category: Implications for Sociology." In Current
Sociology, 48 (3), 2000, 111-126.

"Defending the Dalki Forest: `Joint' Forest Management in Lapanga." In
Economic and Political Weekly, 31 (45 & 46), 1996, 3021-3025, (with Abha
Mishra and Neeraj Peter).

"The dreaded Danteswari: Annals of alleged sacrifice." In Indian Economic
and Social History Review, 32 (3), 1995, 345-374.

Book Chapters

"Verrier Elwin and the 1940s Missionary Debate in Central India." In T.B.
Subba and Sujit Som (eds.) Between Ethnography and Fiction: Verrier Elwin
and the Tribal Question in India. New Delhi, Orient Longman, 2005, pp.

"Devolution, Joint Forest Management and the Transformation of Social Capital."
In Dwaipayan Bhattacharya, Niraja Jayal, Bishnu Mohapatra and Sudha
Pai (eds.) Interrogating Social Capital: The Indian Experience, New Delhi,
Sage, 2004, pp. 203-232.

"Introduction." In The Kamar by S.C. Dube, Delhi, Oxford University Press,

"A Move from Major to Minor: Competing Discourses of Non-Timber Forest
Products in India." In P. Greenough and A. Tsing (eds.) Environmental
Discourses in South and Southeast Asia, Duke University Press, 2003, (with
Roger Jeffery).

"License to Kill: Patterns of Violence." In Siddharth Varadarajan (ed.)
Gujarat: the Making of a Tragedy, New Delhi, Penguin, 2002.

"Village Histories: Coalescing the past and present." In Partha Chatterjee
and Anjan Ghosh (eds.) History and the Present, Delhi, Permanent Black,
2002, 144-182.

"Beyond the Bounds? Violence at the Margins of New Legal Geographies." In
N. Peluso and M. Watts (eds.) Violent Environments, Cornell, Cornell
University Press, 2001, 328-353.

"Joint Forest Management: A Silent Revolution among forest staff?" In B.
Vira and R. Jeffery (eds.) Participatory Natural Resource Management:
Analytical Perspectives, London, Macmillan, 2001, 144-162 (with Roger
Jeffery, and Pradeep Khanna).

"The Construction and Destruction of Indigenous Knowledge in India's Joint
Forest Management Program." In Roy Ellen (ed.) Indigenous Technical
Knowledge and its Transformations, London, Harwood Press, 2000, 79-100.
(Excerpted and published in Darell Posey ed. Cultural and Spiritual Values
of Biodiversity, London, UNEP/Intermediate Technology Publications, 1999,

"The Indian Census: Identity and Inequality." In R. Guha and J. Parry
(eds.) Institutions and Inequality, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1999,

"The Asna Women's Collective: The Interplay of Gender and Environment in
a Village Ecological Initiative." In G. Persoon and A. Kalland (eds.)
Environmental Movements in Asia, London, Curzon Press, 1998, 227-252.


citizenship ; war ; disciplinary histories ; political economy ; indigenous people ; law ; ...