Jyotsna Vaid

Region of Interest

South Asia

Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Professor of Psychology


Texas A&M University



Mailing Address

Department of Psychology
Texas A & M University
College Station, TX 77843-4235 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 979-845-2576
fax: 979-845-4727



Research Interests

Cognitive and neuropsychological aspects of bilingualism
Reading and writing in semi-syllabic scripts
Matrimonial advertisements
South Asian women's groups in North America



Vaid, J., Miller, B., & Hyde, J. (1984). South Asian Women At Home and
Abroad: A Guide to Resources. Research Monograph 2, Committee on Women in
Asian Studies. Syracuse: Syracuse University Metropolitan Studies
Program. 90 pp.

Vaid, J. (1986). Ed., Language Processing in Bilinguals: Psycholinguistic
and Neuropsychological Perspectives. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Vaid, J. (1990). The Bilingual Aphasia Test: Hindi/English, Dvibhasha ka
Pratikshan. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Ward, T., Smith, S. & Vaid, J. (Eds.) (1997). Creative Thought: An
Investigation of Conceptual Structures and Processes. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Vaid, J. (1980). Code-mixing in Indian films: The case of Hindi and
English. Indian Linguistics, 41, 37-44.

Vaid, J. (1985). Numerical size comparisons in a phonologically
transparent script. Perception and Psychophysics, 6, 592-595. [Hindi]

Vaid, J. & Chengappa, S. (1988). Assigning linguistic roles: Sentence
interpretation in normal and aphasic bilinguals. Journal of
Neurolinguistics, 3(2), 161-183. [Kannada]

Vaid, J. (1988). Asymmetries in tachistoscopic word recognition: Scanning
effects re-examined. International Journal of Neuroscience, 253-258.
[Hindi and Urdu]

Vaid, J. & Singh, M. (1989). Asymmetries in the perception of facial
affect: Is there an influence of reading habits? Neuropsychologia,
27(10), 1277-1287. [Hindi and Urdu]

Vaid, J. (1989). Seeking a voice: South Asian women's groups in North
America. In Wong, Diane Y-M. (Ed.), Making waves: An anthology by and
about Asian-American women (pp. 395-404). Boston: Beacon Press. [This
anthology received the 1990 Outstanding Book Award from the Association
for Asian American Studies.]

Vaid, J. & Pandit, R. (1991). Sentence interpretation in normal and
aphasic Hindi speakers. Brain and Language, 41, 250-274.

Vaid, J. & Hall, D.G. (1991). Neuropsychological perspectives on
bilingualism: Right, left and center. In A. Reynolds (Ed.),
Bilingualism, multiculturalism and second language learning: The McGill
conference in honour of Wallace E. Lambert (Pp. 81-112). Hillsdale, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Vaid, J. (1995). Script directionality influences nonlinguistic
performance: Evidence from Hindi and Urdu. In I. Taylor & D. Olson
(Eds.), Scripts and literacy: Reading and learning to read alphabets,
syllabaries and characters (pp. 295-310). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic

Sakhuja, T., Gupta, G.C., Singh, M. & Vaid, J. (1996). Reading habits
affect asymmetries in facial affect judgments: A replication. Brain and
Cognition, 32(2), 162-165. [Hindi and Urdu]

Vaid, J. (2000). Beyond a space of our own: South Asian women's groups in
the United States. Amerasia Journal, 25(3), 111-126.

Singh, M., Vaid, J. & Sakhuja, T. (2000). Reading/writing vs. handedness
influences on line length estimation. Brain and Cognition, 43(1-3),
398-402. [Hindi and Urdu]

Vaid, J., Singh, M., Sakhuja, T. & Gupta, G.C. (2001, in press). Stroke
direction asymmetry in figure drawing: Influence of handedness and
reading/writing habits. Brain and Cognition. [Hindi and Urdu]

Padakannaya, P., Devi, M.K., Zaveria, B., Chengappa, S.K. & Vaid, J.
(2001, in press). Directional scanning effect and strength of reading
habit in picture naming and recall. Brain and Cognition. [Kannada, Urdu]

Vaid, J. & Gupta, A. (2001, in press). Exploring word recognition in a
semi-alphabetic script: The case of Devanagari. Brain and Language.

Vaid, J. (2001, forthcoming ). Inside 'One Mind, Two Languages.' World

Vaid, J. & Chengappa, K.C. The bilingual brain: Clinical
neuropsychological perspectives. In W. Ritchie and T. Bhatia (Eds.),
Handbook of bilingualism. London: Blackwell. In prep.

Vaid, J. (2001, in progress). Matrimonial advertisements in India Abroad:
Discourses of the commodified self. In Mazumdar, S., Srikant, R. & Vaid,
J. (Eds.), Opening Act: The First 200 Years of South Asians in North

Committee on South Asian Women Bulletin, Founding Editor: 1983-present
Committee on Women in Asian Studies - Executive Board Chair: 1993-95

Conference Symposia/Panels Organized/Chaired

1984, Chair, South Asian Women at Home and Abroad, Panel at Conference on
South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Nov.

1987, Organizer, Dual Universes: Perspectives on the Female Immigrant
Experience, Panel at annual Conference on South Asia, University of
Wisconsin, Nov.

1994, Chair/Organizer, New Immigrants: Media Representations of South
Asians in the U.S. Panel at annual conference of Multi-Ethnic Literature
of the U.S. (MELUS), College Station, April

1996, Chair and Co-organizer, Diasporic Communities in Construction,
Panel presented at 25th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, October

1997, Chair, Violence against Women in the South Asian Community, Panel
presented at 26th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, October

1998, Chair, Feminine Vulnerabilities: A Consideration of Women and Power
in South Asia, Panel at 27th Annual Conference on South Asia, University
of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, October

2000, Chair/Organizer, Past (Im)perfect and Present Tense? Problematizing
Female Migration in and From South Asia, Roundtable, annual meeting of
the Association for Asian Studies, San Diego, March


bilingualism ; semi-syllabic scripts ; matrimonial advertisements ; women ; ...