Christian Wedemeyer

Region of Interest

South Asia

Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Assistant Professor of the History of Religions


University of Chicago


Mailing Address

The University of Chicago Divinity School
1025 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 773-702-8265
fax: 773-702-8223

Countries of Specialization

India, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and Mongolia.

Research Interests

My work centers primarily on the history, literature, philosophy, and
praxis of Indian and Tibetan Buddhism(s). Within this very general
domain, the focus of my research has been the esoteric Buddhist traditions
of the Mahaayoga Tantras, in particular that of the Guhyasamaaja Tantra.
In addition to classical philological and historical methods, my approach
to the field of Buddhist Studies stresses a critical attention to issues
of epistemology and ideology native to modern scholarly inquiry.

My dissertation (Columbia, 1999) was entitled "Vajrayana and its
Doubles: A Critical Historiography, Exposition, and Translation of
the Tantric Works of Aryadeva." I am currently finishing work on a
text-critical edition of Aryadeva's Caryaa-melaapaka-pradiipa (editions of
Sanskrit text and Rin-bzang's Tibetan translation, annotated English
translation, and introduction). My next project will likely focus on
exegesis, hermeneutics, and the uses of language in Buddhist Tantric

I work in English, French, Tibetan (classical and modern), Sanskrit, and
some Japanese, Hindi, Danish, Greek and Latin sources.


None on file.


Buddhist philosophy ; Tantra ; Tantrism ; Buddhist studies ; hermeneutics ; methodology ; ...