Maria Angela Jansen

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland




London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London


Mailing Address

London College of Fashion
University of the Arts London
20 John Princes St
London W1G OBJ
United Kingdom

Phone/Fax Number(s)

T: +44 (0)20 7514 2014

Countries of Specialization



BA & MA in Cultural Anthropology
PhD in Humanities
Leiden University, Netherlands

Research Interests

Morocco, Moroccan urban fashion industry, anthropology of dress, (non)Western fashion, national fashion identities, cultural impacts of globalization, notions of tradition, modernity, local and global.

Teaching Interests

Anthropology of dress, urban anthropology, fashion theory, cultural globalization


* Jansen, M.A. (2014). Moroccan Fashion: Design, Tradition and Modernity. London: Bloomsbury Publishers.
* Jansen, M.A. and Jennifer Craik (Eds.). (Under review). Modern Fashion Traditions: Negotiating Modernities Through Fashion. London: Bloomsbury Publishers.

Book chapters
* Jansen, M.A. 2013. ‘Three Generations of Moroccan Fashion Designers: Negotiating Local and Global Identity.’ In Fashioning Identities: Cultures of Exchange, edited by Sarah Heaton. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 161-180.
* Jansen, M.A. (Under review). ‘Une ‘modernité Marocaine’ a travers la mode.’ In Le Maroc au Présent, edited by Baudouin Dupret, Jean-Noël Ferrié and Zakaria Rhani. Rabat: Centre Jacques Berque.

Journal Articles
* Jansen, M.A. 2005. ‘Van Harem Tot Catwalk: Het Ontstaan Van Een Marokkaanse Haute Couture.’ (From the Harem to the Catwalk: The Development of Moroccan Haute Couture) Zemzem 1, 80-90.
* Jansen, M.A. 2003. ‘Keswa Kebira: The Jewish Moroccan Grand Costume.’ Khila’ 1, 79-105.

Other Publications
* Jansen, M.A. 2007. ‘PLATFORM.’ Catalogue of the Casablanca Fashion Week FestiMode.
* Jansen, M.A. 2006. ‘De Fil en Aiguille.’ Museum catalogue Batha Museum Fez.


morocco, anthropology, dress, fashion, identity, globalization, tradition, modernity