Driss Maghraoui
Domaine de recherche | Moyen-Orient |
Pays de résidence | Maroc |
Titre | Associate Professor |
Affiliation | Al Akhawayn University |
Adresse électronique | |
Adresse | School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Téléphone/Télécopie | 011212535862461 |
Pays de spécialisation | Morocco, North Africa, Middle East |
Éducation | PhD in History, University of california, Santa Cruz |
Recherche | History and memory, Colonialism, Moroccan culture and Politics, World History |
Enseignement | Colonial History, North Africa, World History, Imperialism |
Publications | Driss Maghraoui (Ed.) Revisiting the Colonial Past in Morocco.(London: Routeledge, 2013). -Said Ennahid and Driss Maghraoui Fez in World History, (Al Akhwayn University Press, 2012). -Driss Maghraoui and Michael Willis (Ed.) The Strengths and Limits of Reforms in Morocco. (A special edition of Mediterranean Politics, 2009). Articles:
-The Moroccan ‘Effort de Guerre’ in the Second World War” in Judie Byfield (Ed.) Africa and The Second World War, Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming. -“Constitutional Reforms in Morocco: Between Consensus and Subaltern Politics” George Joffé and John P. Entelis (Ed.) The Arab Spring, Journal of North African Studies, 2011. -“Les Bases Théoriques des Etudes Subalternes”, Abderrahman El Moudden (Ed.) Les Etudes Subalternes , Faculté des Lettres Ben Msik University Press , Casablanca, 2011. -“Morocco : Adapting to the Future and Clinging to the Past” Ellen Lust-Okar (Ed.) The Middle East, CQ Press, 2010, USA. -“Ilmanya, Laicité, Secularisme/Secularism in Morocco,” Anna Tsing and Carol Gluck (Ed.) Words in Motion, Duke University Press,2010, USA. -“Reading Secularism in Morocco,” Said Graouid (Ed.) Langues et Littératures
- “Histoire et mémoire : Quels enjeux politiques au Maroc ? ” Mohammed Kenbib (Ed.) Histoire du Temps Présent et Fonctions de l’Historien, ” Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco, 2009. “The Dynamics of Civil Society Participation in Morocco,” Ellen Lust Okar and Saloua Zrhouni (Ed.) Political Participation in the Middle East (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008). -“Gendering Colonial Urban Casablanca: The Case of the Quartier Reservé of Bousibir in Casablanca,” Kamran Asdar Ali and Martina Rieker (Ed.) Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa.(London: Palgrave, 2008). -“Cultural Diversity and the Arab-Islamic Heritage in Morocco,” Taieb Belghazi (Ed.) Who Acts for the Human ? ” Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco, 2008. -“al-dia’ya al-faransiya al-mudada li al-naziya athna al-harb al-alamya athanya: kayfa ba’at faransa al-harb li al-maghariba? ”in Arabic, Gerhard Höpp (Ed.): 'Umyan 'an al-tarikh?! Al-'Arab wa-Almaniya al-Naziya wa'l-Yahud, trsl. Muhammad Jadid (Damascus : Qadmus , 2007). -“Northern Africa: Historical Links with Sub-Saharan Africa” in New Encyclopedia of Africa, (Thomson Gale's, 2007). -“Morocco in the 19th Century,” John Merriman and Jay Winter (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Europe1789-1914, (Charles Scribners’ Sons , 2006). -“Perceptions of External Pressure to Democratization: The Moroccan Case” in Sigrid Faath (ed.) Demokratisierung durch externen Druck? Perspektiven Politischen Wandels in Nordafrika/ Nahost, Deutsches Orient-Institut, Hamburg, Germany, 2005. -“Current Debates in Moroco” in Sigrid Faath (ed.) Politische und Gesellschaftliche Debatten in North Africa, Nah-und Mittelost, Deutsches Orient-Institut, Hamburg, Germany, 2004. -“Den Marokkanern de Krieg verkaufen”. Franzosische Anti-Nazi Propaganda wahrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges”, in Gerhard Hopp (ed.) Blind Fur Die Geschichte ? Arabische Begegnungen Mit Dem Nationalsozialismus ( Berlin : Zentrum Moderner Orient, 2004) -“From Tribal ‘Anarchy’ to Military ‘Order’: Moroccan Troops in the Context of Colonial Morocco,” in Oriente Moderno , Vol. XXIII No. LXXXIV (2004). -“The ‘Grande Guerre Sainte’: Moroccan Colonial Troops and Workers in the First World War,” The Journal of North African Studies, Vol.9, No.1 (Spring 2004). -“French Identity, Islam and North Africans: Colonial Legacies Post-Colonial Realities,” Tyler Stovall (ed.) French Identity and its Discontents, (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2003). -‘Nos Goumiers Berbères:’ The Ambiguities of Colonial Representations in French Military Novels, The Journal of North African Studies, Vol.7, No.3 (Autumn 2002). -“The Moroccan Colonial Soldiers: Between Collective Memory and Selective Memory,” Ali Ahmida (ed.) Beyond Colonialism and Nationalism in North Africa: History, Culture and Politics (London: St. Martin Press, 2000). -“The Moroccan Colonial Soldiers: Between Collective Memory and Selective Memory,” Arab Studies Quarterly, September 1998. |