Driss Maghraoui

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence



Associate Professor


Al Akhawayn University

Adresse électronique



School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Al Akhawayn University
Avenue Mohamed II
Ifrane, Morocco



Pays de spécialisation

Morocco, North Africa, Middle East


PhD in History, University of california, Santa Cruz


History and memory, Colonialism, Moroccan culture and Politics, World History


Colonial History, North Africa, World History, Imperialism


Driss Maghraoui (Ed.) Revisiting the Colonial Past in Morocco.(London: Routeledge, 2013).

-Said Ennahid and Driss Maghraoui Fez in World History, (Al Akhwayn University Press, 2012).

-Driss Maghraoui and Michael Willis (Ed.) The Strengths and Limits of Reforms in Morocco. (A special edition of Mediterranean Politics, 2009).

-Le Maroc comme « communauté imaginée » à travers le journal Al-Istiqlal 1950-1960, in an edited volume by Mohamed Kenbib CNDH publications, Forthcoming.
-“Searching for Normalization: The Party of Justice and Development in Morocco”, in Julie Chernov and Mecham Quinn Mecham (Ed.) Strategies and Behavior of Islamist Political Parties: Comparative Lessons from Asia and the Middle East, Stanford University Press, Forthcoming.

-The Moroccan ‘Effort de Guerre’ in the Second World War” in Judie Byfield (Ed.) Africa and The Second World War, Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming.

-“Constitutional Reforms in Morocco: Between Consensus and Subaltern Politics” George Joffé and John P. Entelis (Ed.) The Arab Spring, Journal of North African Studies, 2011.

-“Les Bases Théoriques des Etudes Subalternes”, Abderrahman El Moudden (Ed.) Les Etudes Subalternes , Faculté des Lettres Ben Msik University Press , Casablanca, 2011.

-“Morocco : Adapting to the Future and Clinging to the Past” Ellen Lust-Okar (Ed.) The Middle East, CQ Press, 2010, USA.

-“Ilmanya, Laicité, Secularisme/Secularism in Morocco,” Anna Tsing and Carol Gluck (Ed.) Words in Motion, Duke University Press,2010, USA.

-“Reading Secularism in Morocco,” Said Graouid (Ed.) Langues et Littératures
Cultural Representations in North Africa, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco, 2009.

- “Histoire et mémoire : Quels enjeux politiques au Maroc ? ” Mohammed Kenbib (Ed.) Histoire du Temps Présent et Fonctions de l’Historien, ” Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco, 2009.

“The Dynamics of Civil Society Participation in Morocco,” Ellen Lust Okar and Saloua Zrhouni (Ed.) Political Participation in the Middle East (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008).

-“Gendering Colonial Urban Casablanca: The Case of the Quartier Reservé of Bousibir in Casablanca,” Kamran Asdar Ali and Martina Rieker (Ed.) Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa.(London: Palgrave, 2008).

-“Cultural Diversity and the Arab-Islamic Heritage in Morocco,” Taieb Belghazi (Ed.) Who Acts for the Human ? ” Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco, 2008.

-“al-dia’ya al-faransiya al-mudada li al-naziya athna al-harb al-alamya athanya: kayfa ba’at faransa al-harb li al-maghariba? ”in Arabic, Gerhard Höpp (Ed.): 'Umyan 'an al-tarikh?! Al-'Arab wa-Almaniya al-Naziya wa'l-Yahud, trsl. Muhammad Jadid (Damascus : Qadmus , 2007).

-“Northern Africa: Historical Links with Sub-Saharan Africa” in New Encyclopedia of Africa, (Thomson Gale's, 2007).

-“Morocco in the 19th Century,” John Merriman and Jay Winter (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Europe1789-1914, (Charles Scribners’ Sons , 2006).

-“Perceptions of External Pressure to Democratization: The Moroccan Case” in Sigrid Faath (ed.) Demokratisierung durch externen Druck? Perspektiven Politischen Wandels in Nordafrika/ Nahost, Deutsches Orient-Institut, Hamburg, Germany, 2005.

-“Current Debates in Moroco” in Sigrid Faath (ed.) Politische und Gesellschaftliche Debatten in North Africa, Nah-und Mittelost, Deutsches Orient-Institut, Hamburg, Germany, 2004.

-“Den Marokkanern de Krieg verkaufen”. Franzosische Anti-Nazi Propaganda wahrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges”, in Gerhard Hopp (ed.) Blind Fur Die Geschichte ? Arabische Begegnungen Mit Dem Nationalsozialismus ( Berlin : Zentrum Moderner Orient, 2004)

-“From Tribal ‘Anarchy’ to Military ‘Order’: Moroccan Troops in the Context of Colonial Morocco,” in Oriente Moderno , Vol. XXIII No. LXXXIV (2004).

-“The ‘Grande Guerre Sainte’: Moroccan Colonial Troops and Workers in the First World War,” The Journal of North African Studies, Vol.9, No.1 (Spring 2004).

-“French Identity, Islam and North Africans: Colonial Legacies Post-Colonial Realities,” Tyler Stovall (ed.) French Identity and its Discontents, (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2003).

-‘Nos Goumiers Berbères:’ The Ambiguities of Colonial Representations in French Military Novels, The Journal of North African Studies, Vol.7, No.3 (Autumn 2002).

-“The Moroccan Colonial Soldiers: Between Collective Memory and Selective Memory,” Ali Ahmida (ed.) Beyond Colonialism and Nationalism in North Africa: History, Culture and Politics (London: St. Martin Press, 2000).

-“The Moroccan Colonial Soldiers: Between Collective Memory and Selective Memory,” Arab Studies Quarterly, September 1998.