Laura Mann

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence



Postdoctoral Researcher


African Studies Centre, Leiden University


Countries of Specialization

Sudan, Kenya, Rwanda and Egypt


University of Edinburgh, Centre of African Studies,
PhD Sep. 2007- Jun. 2012

Thesis Title: Retreat of the State and the Market: Liberalization and Education Expansion in Sudan under the National Congress Party. Supervisors: Sara Rich Dorman and Donald Mackenzie

University of Khartoum, Institute of African and Asian Studies,
Research Associate, Sep. 2009- Apr. 2010
Supervisor: Ahmed Medani

University of Edinburgh, Centre of African Studies
MSc (Research), Honours with Distinction, Sep. 2006- Aug. 2007

Thesis Title: Brokers of Trust, Ambiguous Identities? Intermediaries in Sudan

London School of Economic and Political Science
BSc Environmental Policy with Economics, First Class Honours, Sep. 2001- Aug. 2004

Research Interests

Laura Mann is an economic sociologist whose research focuses on the political economy of markets and state-building in Africa. She received her Masters and PhD from the Centre of African Studies at the University of Edinburgh and a BSc in Environmental Policy and Economics from the London School of Economics. Before joining the ASC, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford.

Her PhD examined the impact of tertiary education expansion and economic liberalization on trust relations and the flow of information between managers, job-seekers and civil servants in the Sudanese labour market. She then worked on a joint project between the University of Oxford, the University of Nairobi and the National University of Rwanda, examining the effects of broadband internet on the tea, tourism and outsourcing value chains of Kenya and Rwanda. At the ASC, she is developing a project examining how new information and communication technologies are making informal agriculture and transport more visible to African governments and formal businesses.


Refereed articles
Mann, Laura and Mark Graham (forthcoming) “The Domestic Turn: Business Processing Outsourcing and the Growing Automation of Kenyan Organisations” Journal of Development Studies.

Mann, Laura and Marie Berry (forthcoming) “Understanding the Political Motivations that Shape Rwanda’s Emergent Developmental State” New Political Economy.

Graham, Mark, Andersen, Casper and Laura Mann (forthcoming) “Geographies of Connectivity in East Africa: Trains, Telecommunications and Technological Teleologies” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.

Mann, Laura and Elie Nzayisenga (2015) “Sellers on the Street: the Human Infrastructure of the Mobile Phone Network in Kigali, Rwanda” Critical African Studies.

Mann, Laura (2014) ‘Wasta!: the Long Term Implications of Education Expansion and Economic Liberalization on Politics in Sudan’ Review of African Political Economy 41(142).

Mann, Laura (2013) ‘‘We Do Our Bit in Our Own Space’: DAL Group and the Development of a Curiously Sudanese Enclave Economy’ Journal of Modern African Studies 51(2).

Graham, Mark and Laura Mann (2013) “Imagining a Silicon Valley: Technological and Conceptual Connectivity in Kenya’s BPO and Software Development Sectors” Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 56(2).

Book chapters
Mann, Laura (2014) “A Useful Digital Divide: Job Information, ICTs and the Sudanese Labour Market” Internet and Society Eds. Dutton, William and Mark Graham. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mann, Laura (2009) "Breeze from an Open Door: Foreign Spirits, National Bodies and the Potential for Egyptian Imaginative Resistance" Ed. Baker, Charlotte Expressions of the Body: Representations in African Text and Image Oxford: Peter Lang.

Book reviews
Mann, Laura (2014) “Review: Business, Politics and the State in Africa” African Affairs 113 (452).

Mann, Laura (2014) “Review: Neopatrimonialism in Africa and Beyond” Political Studies Review 12(1).

Mann, Laura (2007) “Review: Everyday Corruption and the State: Citizens and Public Officials in Africa” Africa: the Journal of the International Africa Institute 77 (4).

Policy Documents and Other Published Works
Mann, Laura, Graham, Mark and Nicolas Friederici (2014) “The Internet and Business Process Outsourcing in East Africa: Value Chains and Connectivity-Based Enterprises in Kenya and Rwanda” (Presented in Kigali, Rwanda and soon to be available on the Oxford Internet Institute website).

(2014) White Paper: Big Data and Positive Social Change in the Developing World. Rockerfeller Foundation, Bellagio Centre Conference, May 2014. Available electronically at:

Mann, Laura (2009) “Getting a Job in Sudan: An Exploration into Economic Trust and Social Capital” Sudan Studies, Spring 2009.


political economy, development, ICT4D, ICT, big data, labour, Sudan, Kenya, Rwanda, Egypt, Uganda