Melchisedek Chetima

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

La Suisse


Postdoctoral Scholar


Laval University (Québec - Canada)

Adresse électronique


University of Basel
Centre for African Studies
Petersgraben 11
Basel, Switzerland


Tel: +41 76 258 38 44

Pays de spécialisation



Laval University, 2015, PhD (with Honours) in Cultural History. Dissertation Title: Discours sur la Maison et dynamiques identitaires chez les Podokwo, Muktele et Mura (Monts Mandara du Cameroun). Une approche à l’ethnicité et au statut social (English Title: House and Identity dynamics among the Podokwo, Muktele and Mura People (Mandara Mountains, Cameroon). Approach to ethnicity and Social Status).

University of Ngaoundere, 2007, Diploma of Advanced Studies in History. Dissertation Title: Architecture et histoire des Mafa, Mofu et Podokwo des Monts Mandara du Cameroun du XVIe-XXe siècle (English Title: Architecture and the History of Mafa, Mofu and Podokwo People in the Mandara Mountains of Cameroon from the 16th to 20th centuries).

University of Ngaoundere, 2006, Master Degree in History. Dissertation title: “Patrimoine architectural podokwo dans le département du Mayo- Sava du XIXe-XXe siècle” (English Title: The Podokwo Architectural Heritage in the Mayo-Sava Division from the 19th to the 20th centuries).

University of Ngaoundéré, 2005, Bachelor in Political and Cultural History.


Vernacular architecture
Material culture studies
Ethnicity and ethnic identies
Collective and social memory
Anthropology of tourism
African Anthropology
State and Civil Society


Vernacular architecture
Material culture studies
Ethnicity and ethnic identies
Collective and social memory
Anthropology of tourism
African Anthropology
State and Civil Society


1) (With Gaimatakwan Alexandre K.D, “’Persons Make Houses and Houses Make Persons’: House, Agency and the Construction of Social Identity”, Journal of Rural Studies (under review).
2) Chétima, Melchisedek, “History of Slavery: Sites of Memory and Identity Politics in Mandara Mountains”, Historical Journal (Accepted, pending minors revisions).
3) Chétima, Melchisedek, “Les Memoranda comme Mode d’Expression et de Contestation des Minorités Politiques au Cameroun” (The Memoranda as a Mode of Expression and Contestation of Political Minorities in Cameroon), Afrique Contemporaine (Accepted, pending minors revisions). Contact Editorial Team
4) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2017, “On ne Naît pas Ethnique, on le Devient” (One is not Born Ethnic, but Becomes one), Anthropos, Vol. 112, No 1 (accepted, forthcoming 2017). Contact Editorial Team
5) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2016, “Rethinking Ethnicity Basing on an Ethno-archaeological Study of the House in the Mandara Mountains”, Azania. Archaeological Research in Africa (accepted, forthcoming 2017). Contact Editorial Team
6) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2016, “Une Maison n’est pas seulement un Abri; une Maison est aussi un Humain” (A House is not just a Shelter, it is a Human Being), Anthropologica. Canadian Journal of the Canadian Anthropology Society, Vol. 58, No. 1, 106-120.
7) Chétima, Melchisedek et Gaimatakwan, A. Dujok, 2016, “Memories of Slavery in the Mandara Mountains: Re-appropriating the Repressive Past”, in Paul, E. Lovejoy; Vanessa, Oliveira (eds.), Slavery, Memory, Citizenship, Trenton, Africa World Press, The Harriet Tubman Series on the African Diaspora, pp. 285-299.
8) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2016, “La Culture Matérielle de la Maison dans la Pensée Anthropologique. Parcours théorique d’un concept transdisciplinaire” (The Material Culture of the House in Anthropological thought. Theoretical route of an interdisciplinary concept), International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Vol. 2, No 4, pp. 465-493.
9) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2015, “Mémoire Refoulée, Manipulée, Instrumentalisée” (Repressed, Manipulated and Instrumentalized memories), Cahiers d’Études Africaines, Vol. 218, No 2, pp. 303-329. This Article won the CASA Prize for the Best 2015 Essay on Central Africa.
10) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2013, “Démocratisation et Explosion des Revendications Ethno-régionales au Cameroun: Des Relations complexes entre Démocratie et Ethnicité” (The Advent of Democracy and the Upsurge of Ethnic Demands: a Study of the complex Relationship between State and Ethnicity), in Estibaliz, Jimenez (ed.), Les défis de la diversité: des perspectives individuelles aux relations internationales, Paris, L’Harmattan, Espace Interculturelle, Pp. 81-91.
11) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2012, “Théories de la Production Sociale de l’Objet et Rapport au Temps et à l’Espace dans l’Architecture Domestique en Afrique” (Theories of Social Production of the Object related to Time and Space in Domestic Architecture in Africa), Recherches Africaines, Vol. 11.
12) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2011, “Par ici l’Authenticité! Tourisme et Mise en Scène du Patrimoine Culturel dans les Monts Mandara du Cameroun” (This is the Authentic Way! Tourism and the Staging of Cultural Heritage in the Mandara Mountains of Cameroon), Téoros. Revue de recherche en tourisme, Vol. 30, No 1, pp. 42-52.
13) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2011, “Patrimoine Naturel et Culturel des Monts Mandara (Cameroun). Potentialités Touristiques et Contraintes” (The Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Mandara Mountains (Cameroon). Potentials for Tourism and Constraints), In Pierre, Kamdem et Mesmin, Tchindjang (eds.), Repenser la promotion du tourisme au Cameroun. Approches pour une redynamisation stratégique, Paris, Karthala, pp. 217-241.
14) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2011, “La Pierre, le Bois et l’Argile dans l'Habitat Podokwo” (Stone, Wood and Clay in Podokwo Architecture), Annales de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l’Université de Ngaoundéré, Vol. 12, No 1, pp. 57-66.
15) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2011, “Sources Orales et Contribution à l’Histoire des Montagnards du Cameroun (Monts Mandara). Une Expérience Personnelle de Terrain” (Oral Sources and their Contribution to the History of the ‘Montagnards’ of Cameroon (the Mandara Mountains). Personal Field Experience), Strata, No 3, pp. 1 22.
16) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2010, “Pratiques Architecturales et Stratégies Identitaires dans les Monts Mandara du Cameroun”, (Architectural Practices and Identity Strategies in the Mandara Mountains of Cameroon), Kaliao, Vol. 2, No 4, pp. 41-62.
17) Chétima, Melchisedek, 2009, “Architecture Traditionnelle dans les Monts Mandara du Cameroun. Aspects Matériels et Immatériels” (Vernacular Architecture in the Mandara Mountains of Cameroon. Tangible and Intangible Aspects), Patrimoine et Histoire en Afrique: Recherches et Expériences, No 3, pp. 24-28.


House, Identity, ethnicity, material culture, memory of slavery, cultural tourism, Africa