William G. Moseley

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America




Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota



Mailing Address

Department of Geography
Macalester College
1600 Grand Avenue,
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 651-696-6126
fax: 651-696-6116



Countries of Specialization

Mali; Zimbabwe; Malawi; Niger; Lesotho and South Africa.

Research Interests

Human-Environment and development geographer with research interests in
political ecology, tropical agriculture, environment and development
policy, livelihood security, and land reform. Field experience in: Mali,
Zimbabwe, Malawi, Niger, Lesotho and South Africa.


A. Edited Books

Moseley, W.G. and L.C. Gray (eds). 2008. Hanging by a Thread: Cotton,
Globalization and Poverty in Africa. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
(ISBN 978-0-89680-260-5).

Moseley, W.G., D. Lanegran and K. Pandit (eds). 2007. The Introductory
Reader in Human Geography: Contemporary Debates and Classic Writings.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Press. (ISBN 978-1-4051-4922-8).

Moseley, W.G. (ed.) 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2011. Taking Sides: Clashing
Views on African Issues. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Editions. Dubuque, IA:
McGraw-Hill. (ISBNs 0-07-284517-1, 0-07-351507-8, 0-07-351518-3 and

Moseley, W.G. and B.I. Logan. (eds.) 2004. African Environment and
Development: Rhetoric, Programs, Realities. King.s SOAS Studies in
Development Geography. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited. (ISBN

B. Journal Articles

Larson, J. and W.G. Moseley. 2011. "Reaching the limits: A geographic
approach for understanding food insecurity and household hunger mitigation
strategies in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, USA." Geojournal. (pre-published
on-line, DOI 10.1007/s10708-010-9371-9).

Moseley, W.G. 2011. "Lessons from the 2008 Global Food Crisis: Agro-Food
Dynamics in Mali." Development in Practice. 21(4-5): 569-576.

Moseley, W.G. 2011. "On Engaging with New Economic Geography." Dialogues
in Human Geography. 1(1): 94-97.

Moseley, W.G. and D. Teske. 2011. "Geographers in the Public Square: A
Comparative Analysis of Op-Ed Productivity." Applied Geography. 31(1):

Moseley, W.G. and K.M. Otiso. 2010. "Assessing Sub-Saharan Africa's
University-Level Geography Resources: A Preliminary Investigation."
African Geographical Review. 29(1): 5-19.

Moseley, W.G., J. Carney and L. Becker. 2010. "Neoliberal Policy, Rural
Livelihoods and Urban Food Security in West Africa: A Comparative Study of
The Gambia, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali." Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107 (13) 5774-5779.

Moseley, W.G. 2010. "Engaging the Public Imagination: Geographers in the
Op-Ed Pages." Geographical Review. 100(1): 109-121.

Otiso, K. and W.G. Moseley. 2009. "Examining Claims for Information and
Communication Technology - Led Development in Africa." African
Geographical Review. 28: 99-116.

Moseley, W.G. 2009. "Making Study Abroad a Winning Proposition for
Pre-Tenure Faculty." Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study
Abroad. Volume 18: 231-240.

Moseley, W. G. 2009. "Beyond Knee-Jerk Environmental Thinking: Teaching
Geographic Perspectives on Conservation, Preservation and the Hetch Hetchy
Valley Controversy." Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 33(3):

Moseley, W.G. and K. Otiso. 2008. "The State of African Geography in the
North American Academy." African Geographical Review. 27: 5-15.

Moseley, W.G. 2008. "Strengthening Livelihoods in Sahelian West Africa:
The Geography of Development and Underdevelopment in a Peripheral Region."
Geographische Rundschau International Edition, 4(4): 44-50.

Moseley, W.G. and B. McCusker. 2008. "Fighting Fire with a Broken Tea Cup:
A Comparative Analysis of South Africa.s Land Redistribution Program."
Geographical Review. 98(3): 322-338.

Moseley, W.G. 2008. "Fair Trade Wine: South Africa's Post Apartheid
Vineyards and the Global Economy." Globalizations, 5(2):291-304.

Ledermann, S.T. and W.G. Moseley. 2008. "The World Trade Organization's
Doha Round and Cotton: Continued Peripheral Status or a 'Historical
Breakthrough' for African Farmers?" African Geographical Review. 26:

Moseley, W.G. and P. Laris. 2008. "West African Environmental Narratives
and Development-Volunteer Praxis." Geographical Review. 98(1): 59-81.

Moseley, W.G. and I. Yeboah. 2007. "Editorial: A New Day for African
Geography." African Geographical Review. 25: 1-6.

Moseley, W.G. 2007. "Collaborating in the Field, Working for Change:
Reflecting on Partnerships Between Academics, Development Organizations
and Rural Communities in Africa." Singapore Journal of Tropical
Geography. 28: 334-347.

Moseley, W.G. 2007. "Neoliberal Agricultural Policy versus Agrarian
Justice: Farm Workers and Land Redistribution in South Africa.s Western
Cape Province." South African Geographical Journal .89(1): 4-13.

Moseley, W.G. 2006. "Farm Workers, Agricultural Transformation and Land
Reform in the Western Cape Province, South Africa." Focus on Geography.
49(1): 1-7.

Moseley, W.G. 2005. "Reflecting on National Geographic Magazine and
Academic Geography: The September 2005 Special Issue on Africa." African
Geographical Review. 24: 93-100.

Gray, L.C. and W.G. Moseley, W.G. 2005. "A Geographical Perspective on
Poverty-Environment Interactions. Geographical Journal." 171(1): 9-23.

Moseley, W.G. 2005. "Global Cotton and Local Environmental Management: The
Political Ecology of Rich and Poor Small-Hold Farmers in Southern Mali."
Geographical Journal. 171(1): 36-55.

Moseley, W.G. 2005. "Regional Geographies of the U.S. Southeast and
Sub-Saharan Africa: The Potential for Comparative Insights." Southeastern
Geographer 45(1): 44-53.

Logan, B.I. and W.G. Moseley. 2002. "The Political Ecology of Poverty
Alleviation in Zimbabwe.s Communal Areas Management Programme for
Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE)." Geoforum. 33(1): 1-14.

Moseley, W.G. 2001. "Monitoring Urban Food Security in Sub-Saharan
Africa." African Geographical Review. 21:81-90.

Moseley, W.G. 2001. "Political Ecology and the Rural Southern Vote: A Note
on the 2000 Presidential Election." Southeastern Geographer. 41(2):

Moseley, W.G. 2001. "African Evidence on the Relation of Poverty, Time
Preference and the Environment." Ecological Economics. 38(3): 317-326.

Moseley, W.G. and B.I. Logan. 2001. "Conceptualizing Hunger Dynamics: A
Critical Examination of Two Famine Early Warning Methodologies in
Zimbabwe." Applied Geography. 21(3): 223-248.

Moseley, W.G., and C.F. Jordan. 2001. "Measuring Agricultural
Sustainability: Energy Analysis of Conventional Till and No-Till Maize in
the Georgia Piedmont." Southeastern Geographer. 41(1): 105-116.

Moseley, W.G. 2001. "Computer Assisted Comprehension of Distant Worlds:
Understanding Hunger Dynamics in Africa." Journal of Geography. 100(1):

Moseley, W.G. 2000. "Paradoxical Constraints to Agricultural
Intensification in Malawi: The Interplay Between Labor, Land and Policy."
Department of Geography, Discussion Paper Series. No. 00-1. Athens:
University of Georgia.

Moseley, W.G. 1994. "An equation for the replacement value of
agroforestry." Agroforestry Systems. 26: 47-52.


political ecology ; tropical agriculture ; environment ; development policy ; livelihood security