William G. Moseley

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique




Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota

Adresse électronique



Department of Geography
Macalester College
1600 Grand Avenue,
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 USA


phone: 651-696-6126
fax: 651-696-6116

Site de web


Pays de spécialisation

Mali; Zimbabwe; Malawi; Niger; Lesotho and South Africa.


Human-Environment and development geographer with research interests in
political ecology, tropical agriculture, environment and development
policy, livelihood security, and land reform. Field experience in: Mali,
Zimbabwe, Malawi, Niger, Lesotho and South Africa.


A. Edited Books

Moseley, W.G. and L.C. Gray (eds). 2008. Hanging by a Thread: Cotton,
Globalization and Poverty in Africa. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
(ISBN 978-0-89680-260-5).

Moseley, W.G., D. Lanegran and K. Pandit (eds). 2007. The Introductory
Reader in Human Geography: Contemporary Debates and Classic Writings.
Malden, MA: Blackwell Press. (ISBN 978-1-4051-4922-8).

Moseley, W.G. (ed.) 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2011. Taking Sides: Clashing
Views on African Issues. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Editions. Dubuque, IA:
McGraw-Hill. (ISBNs 0-07-284517-1, 0-07-351507-8, 0-07-351518-3 and

Moseley, W.G. and B.I. Logan. (eds.) 2004. African Environment and
Development: Rhetoric, Programs, Realities. King.s SOAS Studies in
Development Geography. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited. (ISBN

B. Journal Articles

Larson, J. and W.G. Moseley. 2011. "Reaching the limits: A geographic
approach for understanding food insecurity and household hunger mitigation
strategies in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, USA." Geojournal. (pre-published
on-line, DOI 10.1007/s10708-010-9371-9).

Moseley, W.G. 2011. "Lessons from the 2008 Global Food Crisis: Agro-Food
Dynamics in Mali." Development in Practice. 21(4-5): 569-576.

Moseley, W.G. 2011. "On Engaging with New Economic Geography." Dialogues
in Human Geography. 1(1): 94-97.

Moseley, W.G. and D. Teske. 2011. "Geographers in the Public Square: A
Comparative Analysis of Op-Ed Productivity." Applied Geography. 31(1):

Moseley, W.G. and K.M. Otiso. 2010. "Assessing Sub-Saharan Africa's
University-Level Geography Resources: A Preliminary Investigation."
African Geographical Review. 29(1): 5-19.

Moseley, W.G., J. Carney and L. Becker. 2010. "Neoliberal Policy, Rural
Livelihoods and Urban Food Security in West Africa: A Comparative Study of
The Gambia, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali." Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107 (13) 5774-5779.

Moseley, W.G. 2010. "Engaging the Public Imagination: Geographers in the
Op-Ed Pages." Geographical Review. 100(1): 109-121.

Otiso, K. and W.G. Moseley. 2009. "Examining Claims for Information and
Communication Technology - Led Development in Africa." African
Geographical Review. 28: 99-116.

Moseley, W.G. 2009. "Making Study Abroad a Winning Proposition for
Pre-Tenure Faculty." Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study
Abroad. Volume 18: 231-240.

Moseley, W. G. 2009. "Beyond Knee-Jerk Environmental Thinking: Teaching
Geographic Perspectives on Conservation, Preservation and the Hetch Hetchy
Valley Controversy." Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 33(3):

Moseley, W.G. and K. Otiso. 2008. "The State of African Geography in the
North American Academy." African Geographical Review. 27: 5-15.

Moseley, W.G. 2008. "Strengthening Livelihoods in Sahelian West Africa:
The Geography of Development and Underdevelopment in a Peripheral Region."
Geographische Rundschau International Edition, 4(4): 44-50.

Moseley, W.G. and B. McCusker. 2008. "Fighting Fire with a Broken Tea Cup:
A Comparative Analysis of South Africa.s Land Redistribution Program."
Geographical Review. 98(3): 322-338.

Moseley, W.G. 2008. "Fair Trade Wine: South Africa's Post Apartheid
Vineyards and the Global Economy." Globalizations, 5(2):291-304.

Ledermann, S.T. and W.G. Moseley. 2008. "The World Trade Organization's
Doha Round and Cotton: Continued Peripheral Status or a 'Historical
Breakthrough' for African Farmers?" African Geographical Review. 26:

Moseley, W.G. and P. Laris. 2008. "West African Environmental Narratives
and Development-Volunteer Praxis." Geographical Review. 98(1): 59-81.

Moseley, W.G. and I. Yeboah. 2007. "Editorial: A New Day for African
Geography." African Geographical Review. 25: 1-6.

Moseley, W.G. 2007. "Collaborating in the Field, Working for Change:
Reflecting on Partnerships Between Academics, Development Organizations
and Rural Communities in Africa." Singapore Journal of Tropical
Geography. 28: 334-347.

Moseley, W.G. 2007. "Neoliberal Agricultural Policy versus Agrarian
Justice: Farm Workers and Land Redistribution in South Africa.s Western
Cape Province." South African Geographical Journal .89(1): 4-13.

Moseley, W.G. 2006. "Farm Workers, Agricultural Transformation and Land
Reform in the Western Cape Province, South Africa." Focus on Geography.
49(1): 1-7.

Moseley, W.G. 2005. "Reflecting on National Geographic Magazine and
Academic Geography: The September 2005 Special Issue on Africa." African
Geographical Review. 24: 93-100.

Gray, L.C. and W.G. Moseley, W.G. 2005. "A Geographical Perspective on
Poverty-Environment Interactions. Geographical Journal." 171(1): 9-23.

Moseley, W.G. 2005. "Global Cotton and Local Environmental Management: The
Political Ecology of Rich and Poor Small-Hold Farmers in Southern Mali."
Geographical Journal. 171(1): 36-55.

Moseley, W.G. 2005. "Regional Geographies of the U.S. Southeast and
Sub-Saharan Africa: The Potential for Comparative Insights." Southeastern
Geographer 45(1): 44-53.

Logan, B.I. and W.G. Moseley. 2002. "The Political Ecology of Poverty
Alleviation in Zimbabwe.s Communal Areas Management Programme for
Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE)." Geoforum. 33(1): 1-14.

Moseley, W.G. 2001. "Monitoring Urban Food Security in Sub-Saharan
Africa." African Geographical Review. 21:81-90.

Moseley, W.G. 2001. "Political Ecology and the Rural Southern Vote: A Note
on the 2000 Presidential Election." Southeastern Geographer. 41(2):

Moseley, W.G. 2001. "African Evidence on the Relation of Poverty, Time
Preference and the Environment." Ecological Economics. 38(3): 317-326.

Moseley, W.G. and B.I. Logan. 2001. "Conceptualizing Hunger Dynamics: A
Critical Examination of Two Famine Early Warning Methodologies in
Zimbabwe." Applied Geography. 21(3): 223-248.

Moseley, W.G., and C.F. Jordan. 2001. "Measuring Agricultural
Sustainability: Energy Analysis of Conventional Till and No-Till Maize in
the Georgia Piedmont." Southeastern Geographer. 41(1): 105-116.

Moseley, W.G. 2001. "Computer Assisted Comprehension of Distant Worlds:
Understanding Hunger Dynamics in Africa." Journal of Geography. 100(1):

Moseley, W.G. 2000. "Paradoxical Constraints to Agricultural
Intensification in Malawi: The Interplay Between Labor, Land and Policy."
Department of Geography, Discussion Paper Series. No. 00-1. Athens:
University of Georgia.

Moseley, W.G. 1994. "An equation for the replacement value of
agroforestry." Agroforestry Systems. 26: 47-52.


political ecology ; tropical agriculture ; environment ; development policy ; livelihood security