Daniel Avorgbedor

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Professor of Music and Black Studies


Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Adresse électronique



110 Weigel Hall
School of Music
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1170 USA


phone: 614-292-9441
fax: 614-292-9441

Site de web


Pays de spécialisation



Special research interests in representations of Africa in the Diaspora,
focusing on the performing arts; contemporary church music in Africa;
urbanization and its impact on the continuity of music and dance
traditions in Africa; theories of identity.


Forthcoming 2000: Competition and Conflict as a Framework for
Understanding Performance Culture among the Urban Anlo-Ewe. (Manuscript
accepted and forthcoming in Ethnomusicology).

Forthcoming 2000: (invited paper) 'Hal Performance as Literary Production'
(Forthcoming in the special issue of Research in African Literatures
[March 2000 special issue on Music and Literatures and edited by Kofi

(invited paper) The Turner-Schechner Model of Performance as Social
Drama: A Re- Examination in the Light of Anlo-Ewe Hal." Research in
African Literatures 30/4 (1998):144-155.

"Anlo-Ewe Music and Society in the Light of Urgent Anthropo-Musicology."
Bulletin of the International Union of Ethonological Sciences, no. 39

Rural-Urban Interchange: Anlo-Ewe Music Garland Encyclopedia of World
Music, 1996, Africa Vol. 1., pp.389-399.

"Un voyage vers l'inconnu: Conventions esthétiques dans la musique
des Anlo-Ewe du Ghana," Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles 7/1

"Freedom to sing, License to Insult: The Influence of Hal Performance on
Social Violence among the Anlo-Ewe," Oral Tradition 9/1 (1994): 83-112.

"The Impact of Rural-Urban Migration on a Village Music Culture: Some
Implications for Applied Ethnomusicology," African Music 7/2

"Some Contributions of Hal Music to Research Theory and Pragmatics," Bul.
of the Int. Comm. on Urgent Anthr. & Ethnol. Research 32-33 (1990-91):


music ; performing arts ; identity ; Diaspora ; religion.