Vaishali V. Raval
Region of Interest | South Asia |
Primary Country of Residence | United States of America |
Title | Assistant Professor |
Affiliation | Miami University Ohio |
Mailing Address | Department of Psychology
Phone/Fax Number(s) | phone: 513-529-6209
Countries of Specialization | India |
Research Interests | I am a clinical /developmental psychologist interested in understanding
Publications | Raval, V. V., & Martini, T. S. (in press). Maternal Socialization of
Raval, V. V., Martini, T. S., & Raval, P. (2007). "Would others think it's
Raval, V. V., & Kral, M. J., (2004). "Core versus periphery": Dynamics of
Raval, V. V. Cultural basis of emotional competence: Observations from
Raval, V. V. Negotiating the conflict between personal desires and others'
Keywords | selfhood ; identity ; personhood ; socialization ; psychiatric disorders ; Gujarati ; ... |