Vaishali V. Raval

Domaine de recherche

Asie du Sud

Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Assistant Professor


Miami University Ohio

Adresse électronique


Department of Psychology
Miami University Ohio
90 N Patterson Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056 USA


phone: 513-529-6209
fax: 513-529-2420

Pays de spécialisation



I am a clinical /developmental psychologist interested in understanding
human psyche and development in a cultural context. My specific interests
include: parenting and socialization practices, child development with a
particular focus on children's emotions, and developmental
psychopathology. I am also interested in understanding self and personhood
in India from phenomenological and life-span development perspectives. I
have taught courses focusing on "Self and Identity in the South Asian
Context," "Child Development across Cultures," and "Culture and Mental


Raval, V. V., & Martini, T. S. (in press). Maternal Socialization of
Children's Anger, Sadness, and Physical Pain in two Communities in
Gujarat, India. International Journal of Behavioural Development.

Raval, V. V., Martini, T. S., & Raval, P. (2007). "Would others think it's
okay to express my feeling?" : Regulation of anger, sadness, and physical
pain in Gujarati children in India. Social Development, 16 (1), 79-105.

Raval, V. V., & Kral, M. J., (2004). "Core versus periphery": Dynamics of
personhood over the life-course for a Gujarati Hindu woman. Culture and
Psychology, 10 (2), 162-194.

Raval, V. V. Cultural basis of emotional competence: Observations from
street children in India. Manuscript in preparation.

Raval, V. V. Negotiating the conflict between personal desires and others'
expectations in The lives of Gujarati Hindu women. Manuscript submitted.


selfhood ; identity ; personhood ; socialization ; psychiatric disorders ; Gujarati ; ...